
A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


November minutes

Minutes of a Meeting of the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 1st November 2005 held in the Village Hall at 7.15pm

PRESENT Chairman Cllr P Burley
Vice-Chairman Cllr J Ward
Cllrs W.Rawson MBE, G.P.Young, G. Fletcher, R.Clements, M Spencer, R Kwa, Mrs K Storey, P Hunter, Mrs M Burton & Mrs S Manders

The Clerk, Mr J.E. Stanley was in attendance

There were 4 members of the public present together with County Councillor Mrs C Talbot, District Councillors Mr M Gallagher & Mrs R Hubbard

Public Forum
The following matters were raised:-


PCSO Waters reported on 21 offences reported in the Parish within the last month, offences included damage to property and buildings, arson, burglary, damage to vehicles, public order offences, assault casing actual bodily harm and deception. Approximately 75% of the offenders have been detected, PCSO Waters was asked to provide a list of detections if possible.
PCSO Waters was asked if any incidents relating to the Grantham Road Play Area had been reported; several incidents have been reported including criminal damage i.e. graffiti and youth disorder however the incidents are often reported two to three weeks after the event. It is imperative that any incidents are reported to the Police as soon as possible to aid detection.
Members asked PCSO Waters as to the frequency of use of speed cameras along London Road, vehicles are regularly seen in this area breaking the speed limit; cameras would be used in the future in this area as the Police were fully aware of the problems with speeding traffic. The regulations regarding the setting off of fireworks were queried; there are various guidelines in this area in respect of anti-social behaviour the Police would be monitoring this closely.
County Councillor Mrs Talbot advised the meeting that the matter of speed limits within Bracebridge Heath has been raised with Mr Christie of the Highways Department for review. County Councillor Mrs Talbot raised concerns that residents do not report incidents to the Police for fear of retribution. PCSO Waters assured the meeting that any matter reported either to the Police directly or via the Parish Council would be treated in the strictest confidence and urged members to stress to residents the importance of reporting any incidents or concerns to the Police.
PCSO Waters asked the Parish Council to consider either cleaning or replacement of the sign at the Grantham Road Play Area to assist enforcement of the age limits; the Clerk would ask the Handyman to attend to the sign.
PCSO was asked if the use of hand held mobile speed cameras was to become illegal; officers have recently been issued with new models so this is unlikely. Members also reported problems with a trailer parked on Grantham Road; PCSO Waters was aware of the problem and the matter would be dealt with.

County Council

County Councillor Mrs C Talbot had no matters to report; members raised the following matters:-

The manhole cover outside St John’s Primary School is raised therefore surface water will not drain; this matter would be passed to Mr Christie of the Highways Department for attention.
The gullies outside Sleaford Road cottages have not been cleaned; this matter would also be passed to Highways for attention.
Would it be possible to erect railings outside St John’s Primary School to protect children and parents from traffic; the matter can be raised with the Highways Department by formal request from both the Parish Council and Governing body of St John’s Primary School.
In light of the proposed development at the former St John’s Hospital and the increase in number of children within the village are there any plans to extend the existing school facilities as there are currently no available places? The County Council has no formal development plan for education the Parish Council can make a formal request to Peter Duxbury, Director of Childrens Services, to consider development of the facilities at St John’s Primary School.
Oakdene Avenue is being used by a high volume of speeding traffic at certain times of the day to avoid the speed bumps on Sycamore Grove, is it possible to have speed retarders on Oakdene Avenue? A formal request for these measures would need to be made by the Parish Council to the Highways Department.
Grantham Road Development wheelie bins are being placed on highways land for collection, is this permitted? The matter has been raised with Mr Christie who has discussed the matter with Nina Camm of North Kesteven District Council no further update has yet been received.
Kennedy Road, the pavement and manhole covers in this are raised and uneven; the matter would be raised with Mr Christie.
There being no further questions County Councillor Mr Talbot was thanked for her report.

District Council

District Councillor Gallagher advised the meeting that the District Council have appointed a new Chief Executive, Mr Ian Fitch, who will join NKDC in late January or early February from Sport England.
Affordable housing , the District Council and Parish Council own areas of land on St John’s Square the District Council will shortly be contacting the Parish Council to discuss the possibility of developing the area for affordable housing.
Anti-social behaviour- NKDC Anti-Social Behaviour team and the Police have visited residents of Lagonda Close in relation to incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour.
Councillor Rawson thanked District Councillor Gallagher for his assistance in the resolution of a complaint.
District Councillor Mrs R Hubbard advised the meeting of a credit of £50 to the Parish Council to be used against future bookings of the mobile skate park.
Members advised District Councillor Mrs Hubbard that the path joining Grantham Road and Main Avenue adjacent to the Play Area had not been cut as requested; the matter will be raised with Nina Camm at NKDC.

There being no further questions the District Councillors were thanked for their reports.

The Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club thanked the Parish Council members for their assistance and support in the future provision of a bowling green on the Recreation Ground.
County Councillor Mrs Talbot and District Councillor Gallagher gave their apologies as they would be unable to attend the Remembrance Sunday service at Bracebridge Heath due to other commitments.

County Councillor Mrs Talbot and District Councillor Mrs Hubbard left the meeting the time being 7.50pm.

1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs B Young

2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda

Cllr M Spencer declared a prejudicial interest in the Planning Decision for Plot Adj Heatcote, Davy’s Lane
Cllr P Burley reported a prejudicial interest in the report from Finance & General Purposes Committee regarding the war memorial
Cllr M Spencer declared a prejudicial interest in correspondence received from Chattertons Solicitors

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 4th October 2005, having previously been circulated were accepted and signed by the Chairman.

4. Matters Arising

Railings surrounding St John’s Park – A reply has been received from Alan Thomas, Acting Chief Executive, the matter has been passed to the Head of Planning for review. The Head of Planning has responded confirming the NKDC is not the owner of the site and have no authority or powers to remove or change the railings, or, indeed, to require the owner to do so. In coming to this conclusion the Head of Planning has liaised with colleagues in the Building Control Department, who confirmed that the railings cannot be classified as a dangerous structure for the purposes of the Building Act. The railings form part of the Listed Building Status of the wider Hospital site and therefore cannot be removed or replaced without a Listed Building Consent Application by the owners to the Local Planning Authority. In view of the response from NKDC it was proposed by Cllr Rawson and seconded by Cllr Fletcher that the Health and Safety Executive be asked to inspect the site to assess the dangers of the railings. Resolved Unanimously.
Development at St John’s Hospital – a meeting with the developers has been scheduled for 8th November 2005, details to be confirmed. The Public and Parish Council members are invited to attend. It was reported that the representatives of the new owners of the site had landed a helicopter on the Recreation Ground without permission, the Clerk would investigate.
Street naming 91 Grantham Road – the road name Viking Court is now confirmed.
Grantham Road Play Area – swings have been completed
Dog waste bins – all new bins have now been delivered, installation is on hold until after 5th November.
LALC re Licensing Act – a reply has been received from LALC their position is as follows:-
To sum up we are violently at odds with the Government for not making PC’s statutory consultees, and for not allowing PC’s a bigger say in the process. In our submission to them we pointed out that no one has more local knowledge on such matters than PC’s.
Originally they sold it on “More local involvement” then they deny that access.
There are also many issues the licensing committees are unsure about eg Use of video evidence and big brewery chains are bullying people by threatening them with legal action and claiming costs.
Currently we are asking Government to review the process
A copy of LALC press release on the matter is available from the Clerk

The litter bin for the Co-op Store has been received and passed to the Handyman for installation, County Council Highways have bee requested to survey the gullies by the store.
Mr Hiatt has assessed the Village Hall paintwork, remedial work is required to the wooden gable, on completion of the repairs Mr Hiatt will re-paint. The Clerk was asked to contact Quinton Joinery to provide a quotation for repair of the gable.
Dog Warden – has been asked to again patrol Grantham Road.

5. Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee

Cllr Mrs S Manders reported on a meeting of the Committee held on 10th October 2005 the recommendations therein were accepted and made resolutions of Full Council

Planning applications received from 4th October 2005 to 31st October 2005

Redevelopment of former hospital to provide 150 apartments, 102 dwellings, crèche facilities, retail and offices/light industrial (B1) (Outline application) – St John’s Hospital
Erection of two storey side extension and extension and conversion of detached garage – 29 London Road – application to be reviewed at a future meeting of the Committee

Planning decisions received from 4th October 2005 to 31st October 2005

Cllr M Spencer declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting
Proposed 3 bedroom detached bungalow with attached garage at plot adjacent ‘Heathcote’ Davy’s Lane – Permission refused
Cllr Spencer returned to the meeting
Proposed semi-detached bungalows to replace existing bungalow – 28 Sleaford Road – Permission refused
Erection of conservatory on side elevation – 15 Redhall Drive – Permission granted
Erection of rear extension and detached summer house – 70 Jenson Road – Permission granted

6. NKDC Affordable Housing Policy

Correspondence had been received from NKDC regarding the current policy for provision of affordable housing. The letter requested support from local councils regarding a change to the trigger thresholds for provision of affordable housing to five dwellings. After discussion it was unanimously resolved to support the change to the thresholds and agree the five dwellings trigger.
Correspondence has also been received from NKDC enquiring if the Parish Council would consider disposal or exchange of its land in St John’s Square to release the land for development of affordable housing. The matter was discussed and it was considered that currently there is insufficient open space within Bracebridge Heath, the Clerk was asked to write to NKDC to clarify ownership of the land. The matter would then be initially discussed by the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee.

7. Playing Fields Allotments & Open Spaces Committee

Cllr Fletcher reported no meeting of the committee had been held

8. Recreation Ground Committee

Cllr Ward reported on a meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 18th October 2005 the following matters had been discussed: - Youth Club has commenced using the Pavilion on two nights per week, the order has been placed for the construction of the bowling green, additional cctv cameras may be required to cover the new bowling green, the tennis courts are in use but there is currently no tennis club, Greenbank JFC have been cancelling matches but not informing the groundsman, football coaching continues to be popular on Saturday mornings the costs are unclear and the Chairman is to investigate, there has been a reduction in the number of bookings by Branston Community College for art classes and the location of the new bowling green would be adjacent to the tennis courts.

9. Finance & General Purposes Committee

Cllr G P Young reported on a meeting of the Committee held on 24th October 2005 the recommendations made therein were accepted and made resolutions of Full Council.

Quality Council Status – research continues towards fulfilment of the requirements for Quality Council Status, cost implications of the production of an annual report need to be considered when Precept is set. It was resolved that a honorarium of £25 be paid in lieu of the considerable work involved with the production of the Annual Information Sheet distributed to all residents.
Cllr P Burley declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting

War Memorial - further quotations are awaited regarding the construction of a wall surrounding the War Memorial, Remembrance Sunday was discussed the Clerk would write to Lincolnshire Police requesting a presence to control traffic, Mr McKay would be asked to ensure the area was free of litter, the Parish Council would again purchase a wreath to be laid at the memorial and also cover the costs relating to the provision of refreshments in the School after the service. It was proposed by Cllr Rawson and seconded by Cllr Spencer that an honorarium of £30 be paid in lieu of the work involved with the provision of the refreshments after the Remembrance Sunday service. Resolved unanimously.
A quotation of £150 had been received from Ermine Engineering for the removal of the spikes on the railings surrounding the War Memorial, in was recommended to accept this quotation to remove the dangers associated with the spikes. It was unanimously resolved to accept the quotation from Ermine Engineering.

Cllr Burley returned to the meeting

Village map – the order had been placed for a replacement map
Litter Picking – there had been a problem with duplication of duties with the Handyman, the matter would be discussed in Private Session.
Bowling Green – the order for the new green had now been placed
Planters – the Clerk is to obtain quotations for planter boxes to be sited at the entrances to the village.
RFO Report – as at 30th September 2005 Council expenditure is within Precept expenditure it is envisaged that the Council will retain a small surplus at the end of the financial year 2005/2006
Parish Plans – the production of a Parish Plan was discussed, the cost implications would be considered when setting the Precept. It was unanimously resolved that Village Organisations be invited assist in the production of a Parish Plan when invited to attend the Annual Assembly.
Litter Picking Day – in preparation of a litter picking day to be held in the spring it was resolved that the Clerk make enquires regarding the purchase of the necessary equipment.

10. Accounts Requiring Approval

Payments made by cheque
Chq no 400536 – NKDC – Hire of Mobile Skate Park £ 705.00
Chq no 400547 - Bracebridge Heath Village Hall – Room Hire £ 21.00
Chq no 400548 –Church Commissioners – Allotment Rent £ 441.13
Chq no 400549 – Lincolnshire County Council – Room HireH Hire £ 15.00
Chq no 400550-552 Salary, Allowances & Handyman Expenses £ 856.95
Chq no 400553 – The Poppy Appeal – Purchase of wreath £ 16.50
Payments made by BACS
NKDC – Pavilion Rates November Instalment £ 222.00
Parish Dog Warden Services – October Account £ 113.33
ABB Ltd – Street light repair Oakdene Avenue £ 26.26
Jackson Building Centres – Graffiti remover £ 7.51
British Gas – Pavilion account to 11th October 05 £ 40.75
Glasdon UK – Litter Bin £ 210.87
Wybone Ltd – Purchase of four dog waste bins & fixings £ 1001.57

11. Correspondence
Lincolnshire County Council – Details of the Lincolnshire Aggregates Sustainability Fund
Lincolnshire County Council – updated timetables for bus route – copies circulated to all members
Lincolnshire County Council – Winter salting routes & advice on winter driving
NKDC – Linkline – Copies circulated to all members
East Midlands Regional Assembly – Review of the East Midlands Regional Plan to 2026
Central Networks – Christmas Lights & Decorations Fund – Circulated
Lincolnshire FWAG – October mailing – passed to Cllr Spencer
Planning application St John’s Hospital – a copy of a report detailing residents objections to the application
Cllr M Spencer declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting
Correspondence from Chattertons Solicitors enquiring if the Council had a claim on land in Davy’s Lane, the Council does not own and land in Davy’s Lane, the Clerk would reply accordingly.
Cllr Spencer returned to the meeting

There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.15pm


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