A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.
Minutes of a Meeting of the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th December 2005 held in the Village Hall at 7.15pm
PRESENT Chairman Cllr P Burley
Vice-Chairman Cllr J Ward
Cllrs W.Rawson MBE, G.P.Young, G. Fletcher, R.Clements, R Kwa,
Mrs K Storey, Mrs M Burton & Mrs S Manders
The Clerk, Mr J.E. Stanley was in attendance
There were 6 members of the public present together with County Councillor Mrs C Talbot & District Councillor Mr M Gallagher
Public Forum
The following matters were raised:-
PCSO Waters reported on 16 reported crimes in the preceding month offences included public order offences, burglary, theft, criminal damage, assault and drink driving.
Cllr Rawson raised the matter of the lack of Police presence to control traffic during the service on Remembrance Sunday. Police presence had been requested to assist however no response had been received; this matter had also been raised with Inspector Key by the Clerk 12 months ago following problems with traffic being allowed to pass during the service at the War Memorial. Cllr Rawson and all members in attendance expressed their dissatisfaction with the Police for the failure to attend, the lack of respect shown and lack of response to the Council’s request. It was resolved to write to the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Police to formally raise the complaints and request future assistance to ensure the formalities could process safely and with due respect to those who lost their lives serving their country. Cllr Rawson added that should the Police be unable to provide adequate assistance the Council should consider applying to the Highways Authority to close the road on Remembrance Sunday during the service.
PCSO Waters apologised on behalf of the Police and concurred that the best way forward to resolve the matter would be to write to the Chief Constable.
There being no further questions PCSO Waters was thanked for his report.
County Council
County Councillor Mrs C Talbot reported on the following matters:-
Mr Christie would shortly be retiring from the post of Area Highways Manager, the identity of his replacement is currently not known.
The drain and manhole outside St John’s Primary School is to be looked at by the Area Officer and any required work to be planned into the work programme.
The drains outside hospital cottages and the Sleaford Road cottages the different grates are constructed of a different metal but are of the same quality.
The possibility of railings outside St John’s Primary School to protect both parents and pupils was looked into last year however this is currently not possible due to a vehicular access along that particular section of Grantham Road.
Traffic on Oakdene Avenue; Highways and Planning operate a scheme through traffic calming measure can be implemented on a shared funding basis and they would be happy to discuss a potential project on Oakdene Avenue should the Council wish to pursue the matter.
Mr Christie has been in discussion with Tony Hart of NKDC regarding the waste bins from the development at 91 Grantham Road; the outcome of the discussion is not known to date. District Councillor Gallagher would speak with Mr Hart to obtain an update.
The Area Officer will survey footpaths and manhole covers along Kennedy Road.
Cllr Mrs Young raised the matter of the speed bumps on Worcester Close; County Councillor Mrs Talbot would refer the matter to Highways.
Regarding the potential expansion of St John’s Primary School this should be covered by the School and Governors and reported to the County Council in the Asset Management Plan.
There being no further questions County Councillor Mrs Talbot was thanked for her report.
District Council
District Councillor Gallagher advised the meeting that trials will shortly be commencing regarding recycling with schools. On the first waste collection after Christmas any additional waste left out in a sack beside the black bins will be collected. New legislation will shortly be enforced concerning enviro-crime, nuisance and abandoned vehicles. New powers will allow abandoned vehicles to be immediately removed without a statutory notice period. Legislation will also cover litter, fly tipping and dog control covering not only dog fouling but including dogs not kept on leads and a maximum number of dogs per person in a public place. Penalties would include fines and fixed penalty notices.
Members reported that the footpath joining Grantham Road and Main Avenue previously raised with District Councillor Mr Hubbard had only partially been cut and that the footpath is now being lifted in places by tree roots; District Councillor Gallagher would chase this matter up with the appropriate department.
The District Council were aware of problems with a tree in Beech Close and the officers would be in contact shortly with Council to discuss.
There being no further questions the District Councillor Gallagher was thanked for his report.
A resident passed on thanks to the County Council for the repairs carried out to the footpath adjacent the water tower on Grantham Road.
A resident asked the following questions to Council regarding the proposed Lincoln Southern Bypass:-
What steps has the Parish Council taken to canvas the opinions of village residents regarding the proposed Southern Bypass, since the Lincolnshire County Council announced that it was no longer considering Corridor 3 as an option? What steps has, or will, the Parish Council be taking to represent the views of its Parishioners to Lincolnshire County Council?
The matter was discussed in detail, Council members had attended the public consultation held in the Village Hall during the week commencing 3rd October 2005 no formal measures had been taken by the Parish Council to canvas opinions of the residents however members indicated a willingness to arrange a public meeting to discuss the matter at an appropriate time in the future when further consultation takes place.
1.Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs M Spencer & P Hunter
2.Declarations of interest in items on the agenda
Cllr W H Rawson MBE declared a prejudicial interest in the Planning Decision relating to Priory LSST
Cllrs Mrs S Manders & R Clements reported a prejudicial interest in the correspondence received from St John’s Primary School
3.Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st November 2005, having previously been circulated were accepted and signed by the Chairman.
4.Matters Arising
Railings surrounding St John’s Park – The Health & Safety Executive have been requested to assess the railings – the report and findings are awaited
Development at St John’s Hospital – the meeting with the developers on 8th November 2005 was well attended; for any future meetings wider publicity would be required. The developers had flown to the site by helicopter however had landed within the hospital grounds and not on the Recreation Ground.
Confirmation has been received from NKDC of £50 credit towards future bookings of the mobile skate park.
Quinton Joinery has been requested to assess the remedial work required at the Village Hall; a written quotation is awaited.
NKDC Affordable Housing Policy – NKDC have provided a plan confirming ownership of St John’s Square; the matter has been passed to Planning Lighting & Roads Committee.
5.Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee
Cllr Mrs S Manders reported on a meeting of the Committee held on 14th November 2005 & 7th December 2005 the recommendations therein were accepted and made resolutions of Full Council
Planning applications received from 1st November 2005 to 5th December 2005
Erection of two storey side extension and extension and conversion of detached garage – 29 London Road – Objections and concerns made regarding the proposed development being overpowering to the existing and adjacent building, overdevelopment of the site, extension to be in front of the building line and the proposed development would be to the detriment of the street scene.
Erection of satellite dish onto existing mast – Cross O Cliff NHS Mast – No objections
Extend first floor dormer to rear – 8 Redhall Lane – no objections
Change of roof type to pitched by removal of half hipped end – 28 Redhall Drive – Concerns raised regarding the detrimental effect on neighbouring properties
Erection of bungalow – Plot adj Heathcote, Davy’s Lane – No objections
Erection of rear conservatory – 2 Lichfield Road – No objections
Planning decisions received from 1st November 2005 to 5th December 2005
Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting
Erection of single storey, four classroom blocks with ancillary office at The Priory LSST, Cross O Cliff Hill – Permission has been granted
Cllr Rawson returned to the meeting
Committee discussed Precept requirements for presentation to the Finance & General Purposes Committee. Committee also discussed the proposal from NKDC for land exchange or dispersal of Council land on St John’s Square for use for affordable housing. It was unanimously resolved to advise NKDC that currently the Parish has insufficient open space and Council would not be wish to see this area of land developed.
6.Playing Fields Allotments & Open Spaces Committee
Cllr Fletcher reported no meeting of the committee had been held
7. Recreation Ground Committee
Cllr Ward reported on meetings of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 21st November 2005 the AGM of the Recreation Ground Committee had been held; Cllr Ward was re-elected Chairman of the Committee, Mr Gordon Everett was elected vice-chairman, there continues to be no secretary, Mr Alan Clark would continue to act as minute secretary and subject to confirmation Mr John Martin would continue as treasurer.
The previous year had seen the construction of the tennis courts, a new seat installed, three senior and two junior football teams using the facilities, the Youth Club has started to use the Pavilion however bookings for art classes and casual users were down. An order had been placed for the construction of the Bowling Green and it was reported the Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club now had a membership of sixty.
A member asked regarding the bowling green why the amount of monies held by NKDC remained at the original sum of £40,000 and that no interest had been added to the original sum. Representatives of NKDC had confirmed during the original discussions on the matter that all interest accrued would be paid to the Parish Council however this could not be confirmed from the minutes.
Following the AGM of the Recreation Ground Committee followed a meeting at which the Committee’s budget requirements for the financial year 2006/2007 were discussed for presentation to the Parish Council.
8. Finance & General Purposes Committee
Cllr G P Young reported that no meeting of the Committee had been held
9. Accounts Requiring Approval
Payments made by Cheque
Chq no 400554 - Bracebridge Heath Village Hall – Room Hire £ 40.50
Chq no 400555 –Ermine Engineering Co Ltd – War memorial repairs £ 176.25
Chq no 400556 – Lincolnshire FWAG – Subscription H £ 42.00
Chq no 400557-560 Salary, Allowances, Honorariums & Handyman Exp £ 838.17
Chq no 400561 – Mr RA Clark – Re-imbursement re Remembrance Sunday £ 32.05
Payments made by BACS
NKDC – Pavilion Rates December Instalment £ 222.00
Parish Dog Warden Services – November Account £ 221.00
ABB Ltd – Street light repair St John’s Road & Quarterly maintenance £ 785.03
Viking Direct – Printer ink & stationery £ 45.45
Powergen – Pavilion account to 5th November 2005 £ 95.81
Lincsgreen – Grass cutting September 2005 £ 304.33
Stocksigns – Signs for Recreation Ground / Tennis Courts £ 51.71
10. Correspondence
Arts NK – Roots: Routes – Growing the Potential of Arts in Rural Areas – Information Pack
Cllrs Manders and Clements declared prejudicial interests and left the meeting
St Johns Primary School – the school had instructed a contractor to deal with the rabbit problem on the school field during the summer, the cost to the school had been £285 plus vat. Correspondence had been received from the School asking if the Parish Council would be prepared to contribute to this cost as the community had benefited from the removal of the rabbits. The matter was referred to Private Session due to the involvement of finance.
St John’s Primary School, creation of a pedestrian access onto Redhall Lane - Correspondence had been received from St John’s Primary School requesting support from the Parish Council for a scheme to develop a pedestrian access from the school onto Redhall Lane, this would reduce the number of pupils using the access to the school on Grantham Road. There would be no increase in traffic on Redhall Lane as parents currently have permission to use the car park of the John Bull. The matter was fully discussed and it was proposed by Cllr Rawson and seconded by Cllr Mrs Storey that the Council fully support the proposal as it would be on benefit to residents with the proviso that no vehicles are to be parked on Red hall Lane.
Cllrs Manders and Clements returned to the meeting
There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.32pm
Minutes of a Private Session forming part of the meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th December 2005
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st November 2005, having been circulated, were accepted and signed by the Chairman.
Cllrs Manders and Clements declared prejudicial interests and left the meeting
St John’s Primary School request for financial assistance toward the cost of the contractors for removal of rabbits. Correspondence had been received asking for Council assistance towards payment of the account of £285 for removal of rabbit from the school playing field. It was reported that Cllr Spencer had arranged for a local man to remove the rabbit free of charge and the school had refused this assistance. The matter was discussed at length and in detail, Cllr Ward reported that Cllr Spencer had advised him that he was against any financial help to the School as assistance had been arranged and refused. Following the discussion it was proposed by Cllr Rawson and seconded by Cllr Mrs Burton that a grant of £100 be paid to the School to assist. Cllr Burley advised the meeting this could be paid from Chairman’s allowance. A vote was taken on a show of hands the votes recorded were as follows: - 5 for, 2 against and 2 abstention. The motion was therefore carried.
Cllrs Manders and Clements returned to the meeting
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm.