
A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Minutes April 2006

Minutes of a Meeting of the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 4th April 2006 held in the Village Hall at 7.15pm

PRESENT Chairman Cllr P Burley
Vice-Chairman Cllr J Ward
Cllrs W.Rawson MBE, G.P.Young, G. Fletcher, R.Clements, M Spencer, P Hunter,
Mrs K Storey, Mrs M Burton, R Kwa, Mrs S Manders & Mrs B Young

The Clerk, Mr J.E. Stanley & District Councillor M Gallagher were in attendance

There were 21 members of the Public present

Public Forum

District Council
District Councillor Gallagher reported that the matters raised at previous meetings regarding the development at 91 Grantham Road and the interest payment on the Section 106 monies had been raised with the District Council Officers and correspondence had been sent to the Clerk. Lincolnshire Police will be holding a Local Police and Community Forum on 12th April 2006 in St John’s Primary School, Bracebridge Heath commencing at 7.30pm. NKDC have issued a press release advising residents that the District Council has not commissioned an external telephone survey and if called residents should not disclose personal information. The charge for collection of bulky waste is to be reduced to £6 for up to three items and to £12 for up to 6 items, the charge for removal of fridges will be £18. Cllr Gallagher was advised that development works had commenced at 41 London Road however formal the Parish Council had not received notification of the granting of the relevant permission, Cllr Gallagher would advise the Planning Department accordingly. Cllr Gallagher was asked if a date had been set for the North Area Planning Committee to discuss the proposals for the development of the former St John’s Hospital site; it was hoped to hold an additional meeting on 2nd May 2006 to discuss the proposals.

County Council
County Councillor Mrs C Talbot sent her apologies, as she was unable to attend the meeting.

PC Annall sent his apologies, as he was unable to attend the meeting; the Clerk read from a report detailing 20 crimes reported in the preceding month, with 5 of these being detected.

The Chairman of the Bracebridge Heath Neighbourhood Watch thanked the Parish Council for passing on an invitation to a Doorstep Crime Seminar; the event had been very informative.
A resident who had written to the Council regarding problems with anti-social behaviour at the Recreation Ground gave the Council a further insight into the matters raised in the letter. The resident had spoken to a number of the youths and established that up to 75% of the youths are from outside of Bracebridge Heath. A number of residents had offered to lock the pedestrian gate or contribute towards the cost of signage. The residents were thanked for their offers; the comments made were being further discussed during the Full Council meeting.
A resident of Redhall Drive addressed the meeting regarding a letter he had sent to the Council requesting an additional streetlight in Redhall Lane at the rear of his property. The resident outlined the problems experienced in the area and the position regarding potential development at 10 Redhall Lane, the resident was unclear if the matter had been dicussed by Council as no reply had been received. The resident was thanked for his comments and the matter was on the agenda for discussion later in the evening, Council would ensure all future correspondence is acknowledged.
A resident advised the Council of problems on Home Close with vandalism including damage to both fencing and greenhouses. PCSO Walters had joined the meeting at this stage and offered to visit the residents and conduct a home security survey to offer guidance and assistance to the resident with the problems experienced PCSO Waters also advised the meeting that should any residents wish to leave a message for him this can be done on voicemail to 01522 558798 quoting 2100 Walters. Residents asked if vehicle registrations would assist in dealing with any anti-social behaviour. Information of this nature would be most beneficial but residents must take caution when obtaining this information.

38/2006: Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from County Councillor Mrs C Talbot & District Councillor Mrs R Hubbard

39/2006: Declarations of interest in items on the agenda
Cllrs P Hunter & R Clements, declared prejudicial interests in the agenda item relating to Street Lighting on Redhall Lane, Bracebridge Heath

40/2006: Minutes of Previous Meeting
Council received the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2006; it was proposed and seconded that the minutes be approved as a true record.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman

41/2006: Report by Clerk to Council on ongoing matters

1. Section 106 Agreement St John’s Park – No further correspondence has been received from NKDC regarding the interest, a further chase has been sent to the officer concerned. A response had been received from the Officer dealing with the matter confirming that no additional payment would be made to Council in respect of interest received on the monies whilst held with NKDC. The Clerk was requested to pass copies of the Correspondence and relevant minutes to Langleys Solicitors for review to advice regarding any further actions.
2. CCTV Upgrade – the order has been placed with Secur It for upgrade CCTV coverage at the Recreation Ground
3. Youth Club – The model constitution has been forwarded to Bracebridge Heath Youth Club no further correspondence has been received.
4. Village Hall Lockout Agreement has been finalised and Council has received the consideration payment.

Cllrs Hunter & Clements declared prejudicial interests and left the meeting

42/2006: Street Lighting for Redhall Lane, Bracebridge Heath

Correspondence had been received from a resident requesting consideration of the installation of additional street lighting at the bottom of Redhall Lane. The matter had been dealt with by the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee who had resolved to defer any decision until development works in Redhall Lane were completed. The matter had been requested to be discussed at Full Council. The matter was discussed at length and members who had visited the area in question all gave their views on the matter. Photographs were also shown of the area under discussion. Following lengthy discussion it was proposed that for safety reasons an additional streetlight be installed in Redhall Lane. This proposal was not seconded.
It was therefore proposed and seconded that additional lighting in Redhall Lane was not necessary. On a show of hands the following votes were recorded; five votes for the proposal, one vote against the proposal & five abstentions.
A further proposal was made and seconded that the matter be deferred for three months and then reassessed. On a show of hands the following votes were recorded; seven votes for the proposal, one against & three abstentions.

Cllrs Hunter & Clements returned to the meeting

43/2006: Anti –Social Behaviour, Grantham Road Play Area & Recreation Ground
Council Members reported on a meeting held on 27th March 2006 with PC Stringer & PC Annall regarding problems faced with Anti-Social Behaviour at both the Recreation Ground and the Grantham Road Play Area. Correspondence from a resident had also been circulated prior to both this evenings meeting and the earlier meeting with the Police. The problems experiences were discussed at length and it was proposed and seconded that the pedestrian access to the Recreation Ground be locked between the hours of 9pm and 7am on a trial basis for a period of six months.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the pedestrian access to the Recreation Ground be locked between the hours of 9pm and 7am on a trail basis for a period of six months. The locking of the gate would commence on 1st May 2006 on the receipt of confirmation from the Security Company that they would be able to commence the contract on that date.

It was further proposed and seconded that the Grantham Road Play Area also be locked between the hours of 9pm and 7am on a trial basis for a period of six months.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the Grantham Road Play Area be locked between the hours of 9pm and 7am on a trial basis for a period of six months. The trial period to commence as soon as practically possible following the receipt of tenders and installation of gates and replacement fencing.

Cllr Rawson thanked the Residents who had offered to lock the gates on a regular basis for their generous offer.

44/2006: Report from Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee

Cllr Mrs S Manders reported on a meeting of the Committee held on 4th April 2006 prior to Full Council. The following matters had been discussed: -
Planning Applications Received – 7th March 2006 to 28th March 2006
I. 06/0208 – Erection of a rear conservatory – 15 Hillman Close - No Objections
II. 06/0118 – Two storey side extension – 17 Canwick Avenue – Comments raised regarding the style of the extension being out of keeping with the adjacent properties
III. 06/0330 – Single storey side extension to form garage – 44 Lichfield Road – No objections
IV. TE/0174 – Erection of 15m monopole, 3 no antennas on top, 2 no transmission dishes, radio equipment housing and associated ancillary development – The Old Brickyard – No objections

It was also reported the development works at the site adjacent to 41 London Road had commenced without the confirmation of
Planning Approval being received by the Parish Council; the Clerk was asked to raise the query with North Kesteven District Council

It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations of the Committee be made resolutions of Full Council.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the report of the meeting of the Planning, Lighting & Road Committee held on 4th April 2006 is accepted and the recommendations of the Committee be made resolutions of Full Council

45/2006: Playing Fields Allotments & Open Spaces Committee

Cllr Fletcher reported that no meeting of the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee had been held

46/2006: Report from Recreation Ground Committee

Cllr Ward reported on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 20th March 2006 the following matters were discussed: -
§ CCTV upgrades are to shortly commence to ensure coverage of both the bowling green and tennis courts
§ A footpath will be constructed from the pavilion to the new bowling green
§ The Pavilion exterior is to be cleaned when the construction work is complete.
§ There remains no secretary, Mr Clark kindly continues to act as minute secretary
§ A report from the Treasurer was presented the finances on the Recreation Ground remain in good order.
§ No matters were discussed relating to the tennis courts or bowling green opening
§ Football – No problems were reported with the playing football however a complaint had been received relating to supporters of Greenbank FC parking their cars across the driveways of residents of Norwich Drive. Cllr Ward as Chairman of the Committee would write to Greenbank FC requesting that this practise be stopped or use of the facilities would be withdrawn.
§ Youth Club – A request had been made for a pool table to be stored at the Pavilion, there had been no further attendance at any meetings. An arrangement had been made for a representative for the Youth Club to visit St John’s Primary School to view noticeboards; unfortunately the representative did not attend the meeting.
§ Grasscutting & maintenance – arrangements have been made with the contractor for the forthcoming months.
§ Treasurer – Unfortunately Mr Martin has resigned from the position of Treasurer; Mr Clark has kindly agreed to take on the position however he would be unable to continue as Minute Secretary. The position of Secretary would be advertised.
§ New Seating – A new seat has been delivered to be placed at a location to be confirmed.
§ The bowling green contractors have agreed to return the Pavilion Car Park to condition it was before their arrival on site.

It was proposed and seconded to accept the report of the Recreation Ground Committee meeting of 20th March 2006
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The report of the Recreation Ground Committee meeting of 20th March 2006 be accepted

47/2006: Report from Finance & General Purposes Committee
Cllr Young reported that no meeting of the Committee had been held

48/2006: Accounts Requiring Approval
It was proposed and seconded that the payments listed below for accounts to 4th April 2006 be accepted and payments authorised.

Payments made between meetings for accounts to 31st March 2006

Chq no 400584 – Greenbarnes Ltd – Noticeboards £ 1351.10
Chq no 400585 – LALC– Training £ 10.00
Chq no 400586 – NKDC – Emptying Dog Waste Bins £ 1200.00
Chq no 400587 – Jackson Building Centres – Concrete £ 8.23
Chq no 400588 – Edge Designs Ltd – Finance Upgrade £ 323.13
Chq no 400589 – ABB Ltd – Street Light Repair – Quintin Close £ 26.26
Chq no 400590 – Parish Dog Warden Services – March Account £ 227.50
Chq no 400591/2/6 - Salary, Allowances & Handyman Exps £ 726.77
Chq no 400593 – Void Cheque
Chq no 400594 – Inland Revenue – Tax & NIC Deductions £ 680.79
Chq no 400595 – Staples UK Ltd – Printer Ink, Postage & Copying £ 39.93

Payments of Accounts by cheque

Chq no 400597 – NKDC – Pavilion Rates – 1st instalment £ 230.25
Chq no 400598 – LALC – Subscription £ 660.00
Chq no 400599 – CPRE – Affiliation £ 15.00

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the payments for accounts to 4th April 2006 be paid.

49/2006: Correspondence for consideration

Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club re Opening Day – It was resolved to leave the arrangements for the opening of the bowling green to the Bowls Club, all members of the Parish Council to be invited. Cllr Ward would liaise with the Bowls Club regarding any arrangements.
NKDC – Equality Scheme Consultation
NKDC – Council Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) – Submission Draft
Lincolnshire Police – Police & Community Forums April 2006
City of Lincoln Council – Lincoln Local Development Framework – Preferred Options Consultation on Affordable Housing
Lincoln Southern Bypass – Correspondence from a resident regarding Council’s position on the matter. - Resolved to place the matter on the Agenda for the May meeting.

50/2006: Items for the Agenda for the Council meeting of 2nd May 2006

No items were requested for the agenda for the May meeting of Council other than The Proposed Lincoln Southern Bypass as previously mentioned. Council’s Standing Orders would be circulated prior to being reviewed by the Finance & General Purposes Committee in May when the new committee is formed.

51/2006: Exempt Information

Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: That, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration on minute no 52/2006 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Cllr Burley reminded all members that any information discussed during any Private Sessions of Council remains private until publication of the minutes and that Council takes decisions as a whole corporate body rather than individually.

52/2006: Clerk to Council

Cllr Burley reported that the Clerk had submitted his resignation and would no longer be able to continue in the post. The post would need to be advertised to the widest possible audience and it was proposed and seconded that an advertisement be placed in the Lincolnshire Echo. Vote: Unanimous

There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm


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