
A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Minutes January 2007

Minutes of a meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall on Tuesday 2nd January 2007
Present: Cllr P Burley (Chairman)
Cllrs J Ward, WH Rawson MBE, G Fletcher, Mrs S Manders, Mrs M Burton, M Spencer, R Clements, Mrs K Storey, Mrs B Young & G P Young.

District Councillor M Gallagher & Clerk to Council Mr J E Stanley were in attendance.
Cllr Spencer commenced the meeting sitting in the Public Area
District Council - District Councillor Gallagher reported that he had spoken to Mrs Barlow, Open Spaces Officer, there are ongoing problems with Barrett Homes and the enforcement of the Section 106 agreement, it was suggested that the Clerk write to Mr Bishop at NKDC for a further update. The planning Application for Heath Fish bar has been received but is invalid.
A resident thanked NKDC for the work trimming the shrubbery on Davy's Lane and asked if the small piece of land belonging to NKDC behind the cottages on Sleaford Road could be turned into parking space to alleviate the problems with parking at the junction of Davy's Lane and Sleaford Road. District Councillor Gallagher would look at the land in question to consider alternative uses for the land in particular alternative housing.

District Councillor Mrs Hubbard had no further matters to report.

It was reported that hedging in the following locations was growing over the highway; Redhall Lane, Norwich Close and The Crescent and The Close. The Clerk would write to the residents concerned requesting that action be taken to trim their hedging,

Councillor Spencer joined the Council for the Council Session


001/2007 - Apologies for Absence

No apologies for absence were received

002/2007 - Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda

Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a prejudicial interest in the planning application for 2 Perry Court as a resident of Churchill Avenue and Personal Interests in the Grant Application from the Gala Day Committee and payment date of successful grants to Village Organisations being the Council representative to the Gala Day Committee and Chairman of that Committee.
Cllr Spencer declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Planning Application for the Plot on Davy's Lane as a resident of Davy's Lane and a Personal Interest in the Grant Application from the Gala Day Committee and date of payment of the grant being a member of that Committee
Cllr Mrs Storey declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Planning Application relating to 16 Salisbury Drive as a resident of Salisbury Drive.
Cllr Burley declared a Personal Interest in all matters relating to the Recreation Ground being a member of the Recreation Ground Committee.

Cllr Young declared a Personal Interest in the Grant Application from the Gala Day Committee and date of payment of the grant being a member of that Committee.

Cllr Mrs Burton declared a Personal Interest in the Grant Application from the Allotment Holders Association and date of payment of the grant being a member of that Committee as Council representative.
Cllr Mrs Manders declared a Personal Interest in the Grant Application from St John's School and date of payment of the grant being Chair of Governors at the School

003/2007 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th December 2006

Council received the minutes of the Meeting held on 5th December 2006; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 5th December 2006, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman

004/2007 - Clerks Report on ongoing matters

The Clerk updated Council on the following matters: -
Youth Club County Council investigation in ongoing
Highways Report received from LCC Highways on the matters raised - circulated
Arenway Correspondence sent to Arenway via Wentworth Anderson, holding reply received pending the matters being looked into - Ongoing
Section 106 Monies Further quotations are awaited from potential suppliers for the schemes identified - ongoing
Bus Shelters Correspondence sent to Highways to identify ownership of land on St Johns Road
NKDC Disposal of Open Space in Bracebridge Heath will be discussed by the Executive Committee on 18th January 2007
NKDC No date as yet set for re-scheduled Training Session

05/2007 - Report from the meeting of the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee held on I8th December 2006

Cllr Mrs Manders gave a report on the meeting of the Committee held on 18th December 2006, the following applications and decisions had been received:

Cllrs WH Rawson MBE, Mrs K Storey and M Spencer declared Prejudicial Interests and left the meeting
0611636 - erection of front porch/conservatory - 16 Salisbury Drive - amended plans
0611466 Erection of single storey rear extension - 2 Perry Court
0611449 Erection of single storey side extension - 6 The Link

0611430 Erection of bungalow - Plot adj Heathcoate, Davy's Lane (revised application with variation of plot position and enlargement
Cllrs Rawson, Storey & Spencer returned to the meeting
It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolutions of Full Council - Vote Unanimous

006/2007 - Report from the meeting of the Playing Fields. Allotments & Open Spaces Committee held on 18th December 2006

Cllr Fletcher gave a report on the meeting of the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee held on 18thDecember 2006 -
It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolutions of Full Council - Vote

007/207 - Report from the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee

No meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee had been held

Cllrs Rawson, Mrs Burton, Mrs Manders, Spencer & Young declared Personal Interests in the following item

008/2007 - Report from Finance & General Purposes Committee on Grant Applications received from Village Organisations for the financial year 200718 and discussed at the Committee meeting held on 18th December 2006.

Cllr Young gave a report on the Grant Applications discussed at the meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 18th December 2006, applications were received from the organisations listed and awards were made as follows;

a) Bracebridge Heath Gala Day Conditional Grant of £800 awarded
b) Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Association Grant of £200 awarded
c) Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club Grant of £200 awarded
d) Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club Grant of £200 awarded
e) Bracebridge Heath Pre-School No Grant awarded on this occasion
f) Bracebridge Heath Toddler Group Grant of £200 awarded
g) St John the Evangelist Church Grant of £250 awarded
h) St John's Primary School Grant of £200 awarded

It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolutions of
Full Council - Vote Unanimous

009/2007 - Report from the meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 18th December 2006.

Cllr Young gave a report on the meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 18' December 2006 - It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolutions of Full Council - Vote Unanimous

Cllrs Rawson, Mrs Burton, Mrs Manders, Spencer & Young declared Personal Interests in the following item

010/2007 - Date of payment of Parish Council grants to successful village organisations for the financial year 2007/8.

It was proposed and seconded that the Grants to Village Organisations be paid on 1st May 2007.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Grants to Village Organisations be paid on 1st May 2007.
The Clerk advised Members that the payments would be made on 1st May 2007 unless the award of the grants had been annulled by Council Resolution in accordance with Standing Orders

It was further proposed and seconded that an amendment be made to Standing Orders to establish a firm date for future grant payments.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That an amendment be made to Standing Orders to establish a firm date for future grant payments.

011/2007 - Parish Council Precept request for the financial year 2007/8

Following the recommendations of the Finance & General Purposes Committee, It was proposed and seconded that the Parish Council
Precept request for 2007/8 be set at £54,000.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved That the Parish Council Precept request for 2007/8 be set at £54,000.

012/2007 - Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 31st December 2006

The Clerk to Council presented the accounts for payment and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget. It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts.
Vote - Unanimous
Resolved - That payment of the accounts to 3 1st December 2006 be approved by Council.

400681 Parish Dog Warden Services December Account £175.00
400682 NKDC Pavilion Rates - Jan Payment £227.00
400683 Bracebridge Heath Village Hall Room Hire - Nov/Dec £30.00
400684 Lincsgreen Rolling - Reek Ground £146.88
400685 ABB Street Lighting Maint - Dec Qtr £723.78
400686 RMCE - Inland Revenue Income Tax & NIC £579.66
400687 Viking Direct Stationery, Printer Inks & Storage £110.95
400688 St John the Evangelist Church Information Sheet Distribution £275.00
400689/70 Salaries, Allowances & Reimbursement £710.02

013/2007 - Clerks report on items of correspondence received to 31st December 2006

The Clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:
CCL Winter 2006 Magazine
NKDC Planning Gain Supplement
NKDC Annual Monitoring Report & Local Dev Scheme
EMRA Draft East Midlands Regional Plan Part 2
LCC Fire & Rescue Integrated Risk Management Plan

014/2007 - Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting to be held on 6th February 2007

The following items were requested to be placed on the Agenda for the February Council meeting; Report from meeting of the Gala Day Committee, Walking of Public Footpaths, Consideration of a date for Litter Picking event,

015/2007 - Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. As per the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960

It was proposed and seconded that under Section I00 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 16/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 16/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

016/2007 - Correspondence from Moore Stephens

Correspondence from Moore Stephens was reviewed and the concerns noted it was resolved that any requests for information would be dealt with if received and information released once that information was in the Public domain.

There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.15pm


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