
A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Minutes March 2006

Minutes of a Meeting of the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th March 2006 held in the Village Hall at 8.40pm following the Annual Parish Meeting

PRESENT Chairman Cllr P Burley
Vice-Chairman Cllr J Ward
Cllrs W.Rawson MBE, G.P.Young, G. Fletcher, R.Clements, M Spencer, P Hunter,
Mrs K Storey, Mrs S Manders & Mrs B Young

The Clerk, Mr J.E. Stanley, County Councillor Mrs C Talbot & District Councillor M Gallagher were in attendance

Public Forum

District Council
District Councillor Gallagher had no further matters on which to report. District Councillor Gallagher was advised to date no hard standing was present either on Grantham Road or St John’s Road for the residents of Viking Court to place waste bins for collection. District Councillor Gallagher would raise the matter with the officer concerned, Tony Hart.:

County Council
County Councillor Mrs C Talbot had no further matters on which to report. Cllr Mrs Talbot was asked if highway maintenance on Grantham Road at times which would reduce disruption to business in the area. Cllr Mrs Talbot was also advised that contractors working on the highway had blocked access to the school and no advance notice of the works taking place had been received. Cllr Mrs Talbot would raise both these matters with Alan Brown of Lincolnshire County Council Highways.

25/2006: Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs M Burton, R Kwa & District Councillor Mrs R Hubbard

26/2006: Declarations of interest in items on the agenda
Cllr W H Rawson MBE, declared prejudicial interest in the planning application relating to The Old Tennis Courts, Churchill Avenue

27/2006: Minutes of Previous Meeting
Council received the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2006; it was proposed and seconded that the minutes be approved as a true record.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman

28/2006: Matters Arising
1. Lincolnshire Police – The Chief Constable has confirmed Inspector Key has made provision for officers to attend the Remembrance Sunday Service on 12th November 2006
2. NKDC - Section 106 Agreements Bowling Green; no further correspondence has been received regarding interest payments. District Councillor Gallagher was asked to chase up this matter with Jonathan Bishop, Assistant Solicitor at North Kesteven District Council, to bring a resolution to the matter.

29/2006: Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee
Cllr S Manders reported on a meeting of the Committee held on 20th February 2006. The following matters had been discussed:-
Request for additional street lighting, Redhall Lane – this matter was discussed at length it was resolved that a decision be deferred until the proposed development at 10 Redhall Lane is complete.
Locations for noticeboards – several location for new noticeboards were suggested – it was resolved that the Clerk would write to Lincolnshire Co-operative, Arenway Ltd and Barratt Homes requesting permission to site noticeboards on their land or buildings.
Planning applications received
1. Application 04/1529 – Erection of single storey extension to rear and two storey side extension – 133 Grantham Road – Notification of amended plans for information only the changes are considered minor.
Cllrs WH Rawson MBE a declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting
2. Application 04/0871 – Erection of two houses, one dormer bungalow and three bungalows – The Old Tennis Courts, Churchill Avenue – Notification of amended plans for information only, the changed are considered minor
Cllrs WH Rawson MBE returned to the meeting
3. Application 06/0022 – Erection of pole, totem and wall signs – Triumph House, Sleaford Rd
4. Application 05/1459 – Siting of portacabin and storage containers – The Old Brickyard, Brant Road
5. Erection of dwelling & garage – Land adj to 41 London Road
6. Application 06/0102 – Extension to connect existing garage to dwelling and create first floor above – 24 Oakdene Avenue
7. Application 06/0119 – Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of two storey side extension – 18 Canwick Avenue
8. Further information in respect of Application 05/1226 – Redevelopment of the former hospital to provide 150 apartments, 102 dwellings, crèche facilities, retail and office/light industrial(B1); outline application
9. Application LB/2015 – Demolition of music room and modern lean-to structure to the North West Wing in connection with the regeneration of the former St. John’s Hospital to provide mixed residential use.

Planning decisions received

1. N/12/1551/05 – Rear conservatory at 7 Salisbury Drive – Permission Granted
2. N/12/1562/05 – proposed semi-detached bungalows to replace existing bungalow, 28 Sleaford Road – Permission Granted
3. N/12/1459/05 – Siting of portacabin and storage containers at The Old Brickyard, Brant Road – Permission Granted
Viking Court- Concerns were raised that a number of works had been carried out at Viking Court with the necessary permissions including works to protected trees and removal of hedgerow. It was resolved that the Clerk write to NKDC Planning to raise the concerns regarding the developers actions.

It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations of the Committee be made resolutions of Full Council.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the report of the meeting of the Planning, Lighting & Road Committee held on 20th February 2006 be accepted and the recommendations of the Committee be made resolutions of Full Council

30/2006: Correspondence regarding Planning Application N/12/1005/04 – Development at Viking Court
Correspondence had been received from NKDC Planning regarding the works carried out without permissions at Viking Court; members reviewed the correspondence and resolved that no further action was necessary

31/2006: Playing Fields Allotments & Open Spaces Committee
Cllr Fletcher reported that no meeting of the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee had been held

32/2006: Report from Recreation Ground Committee
Cllr Ward reported on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 21st February 2006 the following matters
were discussed:-
§ Maintenance of the pavilion continues with work to the extractor fan and security lighting
§ CCTV upgrades are proposed
§ There continues to be no secretary to the Committee, Mr Alan Clark continues to act as Minute Secretary. Cllr Ward thanked Mr Clark for his continued assistance.
§ Work on the construction of the bowling green should be complete by 28th April 2006, the Bowls Club has requested a storage area within the pavilion to store equipment, and this will be made available.
§ The Youth Club had requested permission for a pool table, several options were considered and a folding table on wheels was considered to be the best option, the Youth Club had also requested permission for a notice board within the Pavilion this matter was to be deferred until the next meeting.
§ Lincsgreen have been instructed to continue with the cutting of the field for the next year
§ Pavilion cleaning – a specialist company has contacted the Committee regarding a full clean of the Pavilion exterior, the Committee agreed to look at this when all development work had been completed.
§ The youth shelter continues to be well used.

It was proposed and seconded to accept the report of the Recreation Ground Committee meeting of 21st February 2006
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The report of the Recreation Ground Committee meeting of 16th January 2006 be accepted

33/2006: Upgrades to CCTV coverage at Recreation Ground
Members of the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee had attended a demonstration of potential upgrades to CCTV to cover and protect the current developments at the Recreation Ground. Further quotations had been received and in view of the monetary value of the matter, it was resolved the matter be referred to Private Session.

34/2006: Report from Finance & General Purposes Committee
Cllr Young reported on a meeting of the Committee had been held on 20th February 2006 the following matters had been discussed:-

§ Planter boxes – Highways department had advised that any proposed planters at the entrances to the village should be in the form of a single structure incorporating the speed limit / boundary signs
§ CCTV Upgrade – insufficient quotations had been received to make a formal decision – the Clerk would ensure that further quotations be received and the matter would be referred back to Full Council
§ Youth Club Constitution – Council’s Solicitors had produce a model constitution for the Youth Club to adopt, once adopted the Youth Club would be asked to submit a formal application for a grant to assist with start-up costs. It was resolved the Clerk would send the model constitution to the Youth Club for adoption
§ The Clerk had reported expenditure to be in line with precept expectation and the Council may generate a small surplus at the end of the financial year.
§ Committee would recommend to Full Council the transfer of £52,000 from reserves earmarked for Recreation Facilities to cover liabilities of the bowling green and CCTV to protect the green

It was proposed and seconded to transfer £52,000 from reserves earmarked for recreation facilities to cover expenses for both the Bowling Green and CCTV upgrade to protect the new facility
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: To transfer £52,000 from reserves earmarked for Recreation Facilities to cover liabilities of the bowling green and CCTV to protect the green

§ Committee would recommend to Full Council the transfer of £25,000 from the high interest account to cover payment of the invoices.

It was proposed and seconded to transfer £25,000 from the high interest account to cover payment of the invoices.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: To transfer of £25,000 from the high interest account to cover payment of the invoices in respect of the Bowling Green and CCTV

§ Committee would consider the levels of Council Reserves in the new financial year

35/2006: Accounts Requiring Approval
It was proposed and seconded that the payments listed below for accounts to 7th March 2006 be accepted and payments authorised.
Payments made by Cheque

Chq no 400575 – Lincs Playing Fields Assn - Donation £ 35.00
Chq no 400576 – Church Commissioners – Allotment Rent H£ 441.13
Chq no 400577 – St John the Evangelist Church– Info Sheet 2006 H£ 275.60
Chq no 400578 – Inbowls & Leisure – Initial Payment re Bowling Green £40,113.00
Chq no 400579 – Earth Anchors Ltd- Recreation Ground Seat £ 379.58
Chq no 400580/1/3 - Salary, Allowances & Handyman Exps £ 666.54
Chq no 400582 – Bracebridge Heath Village Hall – Room Hire £ 28.50

Payments made by BACS
Staples UK Ltd – Photocopying & Printer Inks £ 32.75
Parish Dog Warden Services – January Account £ 227.50
ABB Ltd – Street lighting maintenance, March quarter £ 723.78
Powergen – Pavilion Account to 6th Feb 06 £ 144.17

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the payments for accounts to 7th March 2006 be paid.

36/2006: Correspondence

i. NKDC – Notification that a copy of all Planning Applications for Bracebridge Heath would be available for public inspection at the local access point in Waddington
ii. NKDC – Cllr Burley reported that he attended the North area Forum and a consultation document regarding equality would shortly issued to all Parish Councils

37/2006: Items for the Agenda for the Council meeting of 4th April 2006

No items were requested for the agenda for the April meeting of Council. The review of Council Standing Orders would be initially referred to the Finance & General Purposes Committee

There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.15pm

Minutes of a Private Session forming part of a Meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th March 2006

Cllr Hunter declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting

1. Lincolnshire Co-operative Society, proposed village development
Council’s solicitors, Langleys, had received an amended lock-out agreement from the solicitors to Lincolnshire Co-Operative
regarding the proposed village development. Langleys had requested some minor amendments to the document in order for it to be
acceptable to Council. The required amendments had now been made it was therefore proposed and seconded that the document be
accepted and signed by Council

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The lock-out agreement with Lincolnshire Co-Operative Society be accepted and signed on behalf of Council

Cllr Hunter returned to the meeting

2. Upgrades to CCTV coverage at Recreation Ground

Members considered at length quotations received from Securit Ltd, Secure one Ltd and Sykes Ltd regarding upgrading and enhancing CCTV coverage at the Recreation Ground. It was proposed and seconded that the quotation from Securit totalling £15,000 be accepted and the order placed.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the quotation from Securit totalling £15,000 for upgrades and enhancement to the Recreation Ground CCTV system is accepted and the order placed.

3. Recreation Ground & Bowling Green

A quotation had been received from the Contractor to the bowling green of £4500 for the installation of a pathway joining the
pavilion with the new bowling green.
It was proposed and seconded that the quotation be accepted and the order placed.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the quotation from Inbowls & Leisure of £4500 for the construction of a footpath joining the pavilion and new bowling green is accepted and the order placed

There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.35pm

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