
A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Minutes May 06

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 in the Bracebridge Heath Village Hall at 7.15pm

PRESENT Chairman Cllr P Burley
Cllrs W.Rawson MBE, G.P.Young, G. Fletcher, M Spencer, P Hunter,
Mrs K Storey, Mrs M Burton, Mrs S Manders & Mrs B Young

The Clerk, Mr J.E. Stanley, County Councillor Mrs C Talbot & District Councillor M Gallagher were in attendance

There were 4 members of the Public present

Public Forum

PC Annall sent his apologies, as he was unable to attend the meeting; the Clerk read from a report detailing 14 crimes reported in the preceding month, with 5 of these being detected. Offences included theft, assault, damage to property, threatening behaviour, taking of a motor vehicle without consent and making off without payment.

Sgt Fluck will be leaving Bracebridge Heath having been posted to Lincoln to be replaced by Sgt Hull. Six new officers have been posted to the NK Rural Sector of which four will be based at Bracebridege Heath and two at North Hykeham.

County Council
County Councillor Mrs C Talbot reported on the following matters: -

County Councillor Mrs Talbot had received from the Clerk a copy of the resident’s petition regarding parking on Davy’s Lane; County Councillor Mrs Talbot advised the Parish Council to forward the letter to the Chairman of the Planning & Regulation Committee, County Councillor Fleetwood.
Speed limits on the A607 & Canwick Avenue would remain at 40mph, as these limits were deemed sufficient following investigation. County Councillor Mrs Talbot would be happy to pursue this further if the Council required and also the possibility of the introduction of “slow down” signs in the area.
Southern Bypass – County Councillor Webb the Executive Member for Highways has announced that further investigation would take place on Corridor 2C. Douglas Hogg had stated there are powerful social reasons for selecting corridor 3 over corridor 2 and would be raising this with the Department of Transport. County Councillor Mrs Talbot read from a press release issued on 9th March 2006 regarding further investigation into Corridor 3. Waddington Parish Council hope to hold a public meeting with County Councillor Webb to discuss the matter in the near future. Further consultation is to take place regarding junction strategy for the proposed bypasses.
A member reported that the gullies at the junction of Davy’s Lane & Sleaford Road required further clearing.

Residents gave a further insight into the problems caused by the parking on Davy’s Lane as identified in the petition and also highlighted problems with heavy vehicles missing the A607 junction and using Davy’s Lane to turn around, if the signage could be improved before the traffic lights this may assist. This matter would be discussed by the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee at the next meeting.

There being no further questions County Councillor Mrs Talbot was thanked for her report

District Council
District Councillor Gallagher delivered apologies from District Councillor Mrs R Hubbard who was unable to attend the meeting.

District Councillor Gallagher reported that he had received a complaint from a resident of Renault Drive regarding the positioning of a dog waste bin, which had been passed to the Clerk. The details of the planning decision in respect of 41 London Road had been sent to the Council, the Clerk confirmed this. North Area Planning Committee would hear the Outline Planning Application for the site of the former St. John’s Hospital on 16th May 2006 at Redwood Drive. District Councillor Gallagher conveyed his disappointment at the number of residents of Bracebridge Heath who attended the recent Local Police Forum at St John’s Primary School, however the meeting held with the Neighbourhood Watch had been very successful. Information has been received regarding a person who is subject to an ASBO in relation to incidents in Quintin Close, which is being investigated.

There being no further questions District Councillor Gallagher was thanked for his report

53/2006: Election of Chairman

Cllr P Burley was proposed and seconded as Chairman of Council, there being no further nominations Cllr Burley was duly elected to the Office of Chairman of Council

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Cllr P Burley is elected Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council

54/2006: Receipt of Chairman’s Acceptance of Office
Cllr Burley signed the Acceptance of the Office of Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council

55/2006: Election of Vice – Chairman of Council
Cllr J Ward was proposed and seconded as Vice - Chairman of Council, there being no further nominations Cllr Ward was duly elected to the Office of Vice-Chairman of Council

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Cllr J Ward is elected Vice - Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council

Cllr W H Rawson MBE declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting due to his position a Chairman of Bracebridge
Heath Gala Day

Cllrs P Hunter & M Spencer declared personal interests and took no part in the discussion regarding the appointment of a
representative to Bracebridge Heath Gala Day as they are currently members of the Bracebridge Heath Gala Day

56/2006: Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies

The following appointments of representatives to outside bodies were proposed and seconded: -

Organisation 2006

Village Hall Management Committee Cllr R Clements
Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club Cllr J Ward
Bracebridge Heath Youth Club Cllr M Spencer
Blacksmiths Football Club Cllr J Ward
Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Assn Cllr Mrs M Burton
Footpath Liaison with Waddington Cllr P Burley
St John’s Primary School Cllr Mrs S Manders
Recreation Ground Committee Cllr G Fletcher
Bracebridge Heath Gala Day Cllr W H Rawson MBE
Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club Cllr J Ward

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Parish Council Representatives to Outside Organisations for the Council Year2006/2007

Cllrs Mrs Manders represents the views of the Parish Council as a Community Governor of St John’s Primary School but is not appointed directly by the Parish Council

Cllr Rawson returned to the meeting

57/2006: Appointments of Committees and Sub- Committees

The following appointments to Standing Committees were proposed and seconded: -

Finance & General Purposes

Cllr G P Young
Cllr Mrs S Manders
Cllr WH Rawson MBE
Cllr R Kwa
Cllr P Hunter
Cllr Mrs M Burton
Cllr G Fletcher
Cllr M Spencer

Planning, Lighting & Roads

Cllr R Kwa
Cllr Mrs K Storey
Cllr G Fletcher
Cllr Mrs S Manders
Cllr Mrs B Young
Cllr Mrs M Burton
Cllr R Clements
Cllr M Spencer

Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces

Cllr Mrs M Burton
Cllr WH Rawson MBE
Cllr G Fletcher
Cllr M Spencer
Cllr P Hunter
Cllr Mrs K Storey

Emergency Liaison

Cllr G P Young
Cllr WH Rawson MBE
Cllr J Ward

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are Ex-Officio members of all committees

58/2006: Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs R Kwa, J Ward & R Clements

59/2006: Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda

Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared prejudicial interests in the appointment of a representative to Bracebridge Heath Gala Day
Committee and the payment of a previously approved grant to Bracebridge Heath Gala Day

Cllrs P Hunter & M Spencer declared prejudicial interests in the payment of the previously approved grant to Bracebridge Heath
Gala Day and personal interests in the appointment of a representative to Bracebridge Heath Gala Day

Cllr Spencer declared a prejudicial interest in the resident’s petition regarding parking in Davy’s Lane

Cllr Spencer declared a prejudicial interest in the amended plans in respect of application 05/1435 – Erection of a
bungalow– Plot Adj to Heathcote, Davy’s Lane

Cllr Mrs M Burton declared a Personal Interest in the payment of the previously approved grant to the Bracebridge Heath
Allotment Holders Association due to Mrs Burton appointment as parish Council Representative to Bracebridge Heath
Allotment Holders Association

Cllr Mrs S Manders declared a Personal Interest in the payment of the previously approved grant to St John’s Primary
School due to Cllr Mrs Manders position as Chair of Governors

Cllr Mrs K Storey declared personal interests in the payments of previously approved grants to both the 2nd Bracebridge
Heath Brownies and St John’s Primary School due to a member of her family attending these organisations.

60/2006: Confirmation of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th April 2006

Council received the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th April 2006; it was proposed and seconded that the minutes be approved as a true record.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th April 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman

The Clerk read from correspondence from Cllr R Clements advising that the Declaration of Interest made at the meeting on 4th April
2006 in respect of Street Lighting in Redhall Lane, Bracebridge Heath had been made in error.

61/2006: Report by Clerk to Council on ongoing matters

i. Section 106 Agreement St John’s Park – Correspondence and relevant minutes have been forwarded to Langleys Solicitors for review and advice
ii. CCTV Upgrade –Upgraded CCTV equipment at the Recreation Ground has been installed
iii. Youth Club – The model constitution has been forwarded to Bracebridge Heath Youth Club no further correspondence has been received.
iv. Bowling Green – Work are nearing completion and an opening day event is to be arranged for 20th May 2006. Completion had been delayed beyond the expected completion date however the Contractor had been delayed due to extra work being requested and the CCTV installation. The Contractor would be given fourteen days to complete the work.
v. Anti – Social Behaviour – Contract has been placed for the locking of the Recreation Ground commencing on 1st May 2006, quotation have been requested for the installation of gates at the Play Area on Grantham Road. It was proposed and seconded that a metal sign be purchased for installation at the Recreation Ground to advise residents of the opening times of the handgate.
vi. Vote: Unanimous
vii. Resolved: A metal sign be purchased for installation at the Recreation Ground advising residents of the opening times of the pedestrian gate,

62/2006: Proposed Lincoln Southern Bypass

The proposals for the Lincoln Southern Bypass were discussed at length and in great detail and the potential impact the proposals may have on Bracebridge Heath. Following discussion it was proposed and seconded that Council would like to see full and further investigation into the proposed Corridor Three route for the bypass, give its full support to both Waddington Parish Council and WASBO in their attempts to have Corridor Three investigated further and also support Waddington Parish Council in their request for a Public Meeting with County Councillor Webb at which residents of both Bracebridge Heath and Waddington can raise their concerns and objections directly with County Councillor Webb.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Bracebridge Heath Parish Council wishes to see full and further investigation into the proposed Corridor Three for the route of the Lincoln Southern Bypass
Bracebridge Heath Parish Council gives its full support to the campaigns of both Waddington Parish Council and WASBO in their campaigns regarding corridor three
Bracebridge Heath Parish Council support Waddington Parish Council in their request for a Public Meeting attended by County Councillor Webb to discuss the route of the proposed Lincoln Southern Bypass.

Cllr Spencer declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting due to him being a resident of Davy’s Lane

63/2006: Residents Petition Regarding Dangerous Parking on Davy’s Lane

Members considered correspondence and a petition from residents of Davy’s Lane concerned that vehicles were being
parked in a dangerous manner at the junction of Sleaford Road and Davy’s Lane. Members concurred with the resident’s views on
the problems although any action would be for the Lincolnshire County Council Highways to consider. It was proposed and
seconded that copies of the petition and correspondence be forwarded to Lincolnshire County Council Highways Department, the
Executive Member of Lincolnshire County Council with responsibility for Highways and North Kesteven District Council.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Copies of the petition and correspondence be forwarded to Lincolnshire County Council Highways Department, the Executive Member of Lincolnshire County Council with responsibility for Highways and North Kesteven District Council for attention

Cllr Spencer returned to the meeting

64/2006: Replacement litterbin to be sited on Lichfield Road

It was reported that the litterbin sited on Lichfield Road was missing. It was proposed and seconded that a replacement bin
be purchased.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: A replacement litterbin is purchased for siting on Lichfield Road

65/2006: Status of Bracebridge Heath Youth Club
Cllr Spencer reported that as Parish Council Representative on the Committee of Bracebridge Heath Youth Club he and District
Councillor Mrs R Hubbard were concerned that no correspondence regarding the AGM had been received or had there been any
recent Committee meetings. Members were concerned regarding the administration of the Youth Club and advised Cllr Spencer that
under the terms of the constitution of Bracebridge Heath Youth Club Cllr Spencer and District Councillor Mrs Hubbard could
request a Special Meeting of the Committee of Bracebridge Heath Youth Club

66/2006: Report from the Planning Lighting & Roads Committee

Cllr Mrs S Manders reported on meetings of the Committee held on 25th April 2006 and 2nd May 2006 the following matters had
been discussed:-

Planning Applications Received – 4th April 2006 to 30th April 2006

I. Application 06/0208 - Erection of conservatory, 32 Bath Road

II. Application 06/0349 –Erection of 15m monopole, 3 no antennas on top, 2 no transmission dishes, radio equipment housing and associated ancillary development, The Old Brick Yard, Brant Road, Waddington

III. Application 06/0378 – Erection of two storey side extension and extension and conversion of garage, 29 London Road

IV. Application 06/0391 – Single storey extension and two storey detached annexe – 52 Lichfield Road

V. Further information received relating to Application 05/01226 – Redevelopment of St John’s Hospital

VI. Application - 06/0431 – Erection of Porch, Conservatory and Single Storey extension - 9 Godber Drive

Cllr Spencer declared a prejudicial interest in the amended plans in respect of application 05/1435 – Erection of a bungalow– Plot Adj to Heathcote, Davy’s Lane and left the meeting

VII. Amended plans in respect of application 05/1435 – Erection of a bungalow– Plot Adj to Heathcote, Davy’s Lane

Cllr Spencer returned to the meeting

Planning Decisions Received – 4th April 2006 – 30th April 2006

I. Application 0102/06 – Extension to connect existing garage to dwelling and create first floor above at 24 Oakdene Avenue; Permission Granted,

II. Application 0022/06 – Erection of pole, totem and wall signs at Rimmer Bros, Sleaford Road; Permission was granted for the totem signs and refused for the pole signs,

III. Application 0070/06 – Erect dwelling and garage on land adj to 41 London Road; Permission Granted.

It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations made therein be accepted and made resolutions of Full Council
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The report from the Planning Lighting & Roads Committee meetings held on 25thApril 2006 & 2nd May 2006 be accepted and the recommendations made therein be made resolutions of Full Council

67/2006: Report from Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee

Cllr Fletcher reported that no meeting of the committee had been held

68/2006: Report from Recreation Ground Committee

Cllr Ward reported on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 24th April 2006 the following matters had been

§ The opening of the bowling green would take place on Saturday 20th May 2006 at 2pm, International Bowler Billy Jackson would roll the first bowl
§ Mr Alan Clark has taken over as treasurer of the Recreation Ground Committee
§ There is currently no tennis club and nothing further has been heard from the Youth Club
§ The post of Secretary has been advertised
§ The cleaning company had been instructed to clean the exterior of the Pavilion when the building work is complete.
§ A quotation of £647.00 has been received from Stonebow Home Improvements Ltd for replacements sealed units for the Pavilion to replace the damaged glass which is becoming dangerous.

It was proposed and seconded that the quotation from Stonebow Home Improvements Ltd be accepted and the order placed
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The quotation from Stonebow Home Improvements Ltd for replacement units be accepted and the order placed

69/2006: Report from Finance & General Purposes Committee
Cllr Young reported that no meeting of the Committee had been held

Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting due to his position as Chairman of the
Bracebridge Heath Gala Day.

Cllrs P Hunter & M Spencer declared prejudicial interests and left the meeting due to their positions on the Committee of
the Bracebridge Heath Gala Day.

Cllr Mrs M Burton declared a Personal Interest in the payment of the previously approved grant to the Bracebridge Heath
Allotment Holders Association due to Mrs Burton appointment as parish Council Representative to Bracebridge Heath
Allotment Holders Association

Cllr Mrs S Manders declared a Personal Interest in the payment of the previously approved grant to St John’s Primary
School due to Cllr Mrs Manders position as Chair of Governors

Cllr Mrs K Storey declared personal interests in the payments of previously approved grants to both the 2nd Bracebridge
Heath Brownies and St John’s Primary School due to a member of her family attending these organisations.

70/2006: Accounts Requiring Approval
It was proposed and seconded that the payments listed below for accounts to 2nd May 2006 be accepted and payments authorised.

Payments made between meetings: -

Chq no / BACS Ref

400600 Securit Security Systems Deposit re CCTV System £3,750.00
400601 Inbowls & Leisure Ltd Further payment re Bowling Green £33,059.91

NB. Cheque Payments made between meetings were signed by Cllrs Burley, Spencer, and Mrs Burton & Mrs Storey

Annual Grants to Village Organisations – Approved by Full Council 3rd January 2006

Chq no / BACS Ref

May BACS 1 2nd Bracebridge Heath Brownies 2006 Annual Grant£150.00
400602 21st Lincoln Scout Group 2006 Annual Grant £150.00
400603 Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Association 2006 Annual Grant £150.00
May BACS 2 Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club 2006 Annual Grant £150.00
400604 Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club 2006 Annual Grant £150.00
400605 Bracebridge Heath Toddler Group 2006 Annual Grant £150.00
400606 St John the Evangelist Church 2006 Annual Grant £250.00
May BACS 3 St John’s Primary School 2006 Annual Grant £150.00
400607 Bracebridge Heath Gala Day 2006 Annual Grant £800.00

Payments for Approval – Accounts to 30th April 2006

Chq no / BACS Ref

May BACS 4 North Kesteven District Council Pavilion Rates £227.00
May BACS 5 ESPO Litter Pick Equipment £98.13
May BACS 6 Jackson Building Centres Down Pipe – Village Hall £16.53
May BACS 7 Valuation Office Agency Valuation – Redhall Lane £329.00
May BACS 8 Powergen Street Lighting Account £3138.38
May BACS 9 Staples UK Ltd Photocopy Charges £26.08
400608 Bracebridge Heath Village Hall Room Hire £39.00
400609 Cllr P Burley Reimbursement £24.00
400610-11 Salaries, Allowances & Handyman Expenses £684.02
400612 Recreation Ground Running Expenses £1500.00
May BACS 10 Viking Direct Printer Inks & Stationary £80.63
May BACS 11 Parish Dog Warden Services April Account £227.50
May BACS 12 British Gas Pavilion Account £253.37
400613 Securit Security Services CCTV Upgrade £16007.62

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the payments for accounts to 2nd May 2006 be paid.

Cllrs Rawson, Spencer & Hunter returned to the meeting

71/2006: Correspondence for consideration

§ North Kesteven District Council – Linkline – Copies available from the Clerk

§ North Kesteven District Council – Details of Mobile Skate Park Scheme Summer 2006 – Cllr Spencer would contact the John Bull Public House to enquire if it may be possible to use the car park as a base for the mobile skate park

§ North Kesteven District Council – Correspondence from Cllr Gallagher regarding a complaint re the siting of a dog waste bin - Members had surveyed the site in question and concluded that the bin is appropriately placed; the Clerk would write to the resident concerned to advise

§ LALC – Details of County Assembly and Reorganisation to be held on 24th May 2006 – Cllrs Burley & Spencer to attend

§ LCC – 2nd Local Transport Plan – Copy available from the Clerk

72/2006: Items for the Agenda for the Council meeting of 6th June 2006

No items were requested for the agenda for the June meeting of the Council

73/2006: Exempt Information

Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: That, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration on minute no 52/2006 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Cllr Burley declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting

74/2006: Gates for the Grantham Road Play Area

Members were circulated with quotations to supply and fit gates to the play area on Grantham Road. It was proposed and seconded that the quotation from PD Fencing be accepted and the order placed.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The quotation from PD Fencing Ltd be accepted and the order placed.

Cllr Burley returned to the meeting

There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.25pm

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