
A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Minutes June 06

Minutes of a Meeting of the Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesdav 6th June 2006 held in the Village Hall at 7. 15pm

PRESENT Chairman Cllr P Burley
Vice-Chairman Cllr J Ward
Cllrs W.Rawson MBE, G. Fletcher, M Spencer, P Hunter, Mrs K Storey, Mrs M Burton, R Kwa & Mrs S Manders

The Clerk. Mr JE Stanley & District Councillor M Gallagher were in attendance There were 4 members of the Public present
Public Forum
Residents of Davy's Lane advised the Council that there are some bushes on Davy's Lane which have become overgrown, and require attention. The bushes in question it is believed are the responsibility of North Kesteven District Council; the Clerk would be asked to contact District Councillor Gallagher to arrange for action to be taken.
Members discussed a copy of a letter sent to Peter Duxbury of Lincolnshire County Council regarding any potential Section 106 provision on respect of the development at the former St John's Hospital. The matter was discussed at length and Cllr Rawson advised the Chairman of Governors of St John's Primary School, Cllr Mrs Manders, that it may he beneficial to raise the matter with the Executive Members for Education rather than the officer. Cllr Mrs Manders would take this advice back to the Governors to discuss when any reply is received.

County Council
County Councillor Mrs C Talbot sent her apologies, as she was unable to attend the meeting.

PC Annall sent his apologies, as he was unable to attend the meeting; the Clerk read from a report detailing 20 crimes reported in the preceding month, no statistics were provided detailing detections.

The Chairman reported an e-mail had been received from a resident of Norwich Drive regarding problems with youths playing football in the street and damaging property. This was a Police matter and the resident had been advised accordingly-

75/2006: Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs G P Young, Mrs B Young & R Clements

76/2006: Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda

Cllr P Hunter declared prejudicial interests in all agenda items relating to Redhall Lane.
Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a prejudicial interest in the Planning Application submitted by the Priory LSST
Cllr Mrs S Manders declared a prejudicial interest in copy correspondence received from the Governors of St John's Primary School

77/2006: Minutes of Previous Meeting

Council received the Minutes of the meeting held on 2d May 2006. it was proposed and seconded that the minutes be approved as a true record.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd May 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman

78/2006: Report by Clerk to Council on ongoing matters:

Section 106 Agreement St John's Park - Correspondence and relevant minutes have been forwarded to Langleys Solicitors for review and advice. Peter Horner of Langleys Solicitors has requested additional information and continues to look into the matter.
Youth Club - The model constitution has been forwarded to Bracebridge Heath Youth Club no further correspondence has been received
Bowling Green - Opening day event was successfully held on 20th May 2006 and was well attended
Anti - Social Behaviour - Contract has been placed for the locking of the Recreation Ground commencing on 1st May 2006, some minor problems were encountered these now appear to have been resolved as no further complaints have been received.
Gates have been ordered for the Grantham Road Play Area.
Parking on Davy's Lane - Petition has been forwarded to Lincolnshire County Council
Litter Bins - The order has been placed for the replacement litter bin. The litter bin at the Grantham Road Play Area requires replacement. It was proposed and seconded that a replacement bin be purchased for siting at the Grantham Road Play Area.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That a replacement litter bin be purchased to be sited at the Grantharn Road Play Area

79/2006: Report on LALC County Assembly held on 24th May 2006

Cllrs Burley & Spencer gave reports on the LALC County Assembly held on 24th May 2006 to discuss the proposed reorganisation of Local Government, Members also received a copy of the LALC report on the meeting. The matter was discussed at length. Members were concerned at the impact the proposals would have on the Parish. Concerns were also raised regarding the representation received at District Council level for the benefit of the Parish. After lengthy discussion it was proposed and seconded that a letter be sent to LALC requesting that Council be advised of LALC's next action on the issue.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That correspondence be sent to LALC regarding the proposed reorganisation and requesting advice on the next course of action.

80/2006: Report on NKDC North Area Planning Committee Meeting held on 16th May 2006

Cllr Mrs S Manders. Chairman of the Planning Lighting & Roads Committee, gave a report on the NKDC North Area Planning Committee Meeting held on 16th May 2006 which she had attended on behalf of the Council. The Planning Applications in respect of the former St John's Hospital, 29 London Road and The Old Brickyard had been discussed- Permission was granted at the meeting for all three applications and a copy of the conditions attached to the proposed development at the former St John's Hospital had been obtained. The Clerk would arrange to copy these conditions and forward to the Members,

81/2006: Complaint from a resident regarding the opening time of the Recreation Ground

Correspondence, had been received from a resident regarding the locking up time of the Recreation Ground, stating that the time of openmg was too late at 7am and requesting the gate be opened earlier. A copy of the correspondence had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting and following discussion it was proposed and seconded that the opening time of the gate remain at 7am for the duration of the trial period at which point the time would be reviewed.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the opening time of the Recreation Ground gate remain at 7am for the duration of the trial period at which point the time would be reviewed, The complainant would be advised accordingly.

82/2006. Adoption of a complaints procedure

The Clerk advised Council that whilst the Council has a procedure for the dealing with complaints from residents regarding specific policies there are no procedures to deal with effective handling of complaints regarding procedures eg. the Recreation Ground gate not being locked up on an occasion. In order to manage residents expectations on the handling of a complaint a model complaints procedure had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was proposed and seconded that the model complaints procedure be adopted and implemented by Council.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the model complaints procedure be adopted and implemented by Council.

83/2006: Report from Planning. Lighting & Roads Committee

Cllr Mrs S Manders reported on a meeting of the Planning Lighting & roads Committee held prior to the Full Council meeting on 6th June 2006. Cllr Mrs Manders was elected Chairman of the Comnittee and Cllr Spencer elected Vice Chairman
Planning Applications & Decisions Received – 3rd May 2006 to 3rd June 2006

1. Application-06/0578- Erection of dish to existing mast-Lincoln Ambulance Service, Cross O’Cliff Court, Bracebridge Heath.
Cllr P Hunter declared a prejuditial interest as a resident of Redall Lane and left the meeting
2. Application 06/0379 - Conversion of roof space to accommodation associated with Doctors surgery - New surgery corner of Redhall Lane
Cllr Hunter returned to the meeting

Cllr W H Rawson declared a Prejudicial Interest and left the meeting due to his position as a Governor of The Priory LSST School
3. Application 06/0581 - Single storey four classroom and office block- - The Priory LSST, Cross O'Cliff Hill
Cllr Rawson returned to the meeting
4 Application 06/0452 - Erection of rear conservatory - 8 Norwich Dnve
5 Plannmg Decision N/12/0330/06 - Single storey extension to form garage at 44 Lichfield Road - Permission Granted
6 Planning Decision N/12/0118/06 - two-storey side extension at 17 Canwick Avenue - Permission granted
7 Planning Decision N/12/0119/06 - Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of two-storey side extension at 18 Canwick Avenue - Permission Granted
8 Planning Decision N/12/02018/06 - Erection of rear conservatory - 15 Hillman Close - Permission Granted

It was proposed and seconded to accept the report of the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee meeting of 6th June 2006

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved The report of the Planning Lighting & Roads Committee meeting of 6th June 2006 be accepted and the recommendations made therein become resolutions of Full Council

84/2006: Playing Fields Allotments & Open Spaces Committee

Cllr Fletcher reported that a meeting of the Committee had bee held on 22nd May 2006 the following matters had been discussed: Cllr Fletcher was elected Chairman of the Committee, Cllr Mrs Burton was elected Vice-Chairman,
Litter ~ correspondence had been sent to Lincolnshire Co-Operative regarding litter round the store, the situation had not improved the Clerk was asked to again write to Lincolnshire Co-Operative, John Bull Public House and Blacksmith Arms regarding litter around their premises.
Dog Warden - Monthly reports would be circulated to Members to form a view on the effectiveness of the service received.
Byelaws are to be replaced by alcohol control zones, information on this had been requested from NKDC.
Stane Drive Play scheme - NKDC had advised that the purchase of this equipment could not me made until the area had been adopted as public open space.
Replacement fencing Grantham Road Play Area - Quotations for replacement fencing were discussed it was resolved that the quotation from PD Fencing be accepted.

Section 106 Funding in respect of development at 91 Grantham Road - Potential projects to benefit from this funding were identified as climbing tower / module, football / basketball module, floodlighting for tennis courts, and additional play equipment for the Grantham Road Play Area and possibly Recreation Ground.
Committee expenditure for the previous financial year had been within budget
Overgrown hedging - Clerk was requested to send letters to residents of 4 The Close and 27 Home Close requesting their hedges be trimmed back from the pavement.
Tennis Courts a sign would be purchased requesting that the facilities be respected.

It was proposed and seconded to accept the report of the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee meeting of 22nd May 2006

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The report of the Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee meeting of 2@ May 2006 be accepted and the recommendations made therein become resolutions of Full Council

85/2006: Report from Recreation Ground Committee

Cllr Ward reported on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 15th May 2006 the following matters were discussed: -

There remains no secretary - the position has been advertised
The Treasurer presented an up to date set of figures for the Committee
Cross FC were offering to meet half the costs of new goal nets, it was hoped that the Blacksmiths FC could contribute to the remainder of the costs.
Greenbank FC - it was unknown if Greenbank FC would continue to use the facilities next season as there had been instances in the recently completed season of the not attending the ground when booked and the groundsman not been informed.
No reports were received from either the Youth Club or Tennis Club
There had been some damage to the changing room widow it was hoped this will have been picked up by CCTV
Windows and Facia have been cleaned
Grass cutting - there have been problems with the contractor which have now been resolved.
Bowling green would be opened on 20d' May 2006 - charging policy for the green would be discussed at the next committee meeting

It was proposed and seconded to accept the report of the Recreation Ground Committee meeting of 15th May 2006

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The report of the Recreation Ground Committee meeting of 15th May 2006 be accepted

Cllr Ward reported that following the meeting the position of Secretary has now been filled The opening of the Bowling Green had been a great success and congratulation to the Bowls Club for the organisation of the event. Members asked of it may be possible for Council to purchase grass cutting equipment to prevent future problems- this may be something that can be considered in the future, Members also raised a concern that the CCTV equipment can easily be knocked out of focus and may not be fit for purpose, Securit are to schedule to review the initial set up and advise accordingly.

86/2006: Report from Finance & General Purposes Committee

Cllr Hunter reported that a meeting of the Committee had been held on 22d May 2006 the following matters had been discussed;

Cllr Young was elected Chairman of the Committee, Cllr Hunter was elected Vice-Chairman
Litter picking day held on 8th April - a small number of residents attended
Planter boxes - Cllr Spencer is working on a design for the planter boxes
Standing Orders - Members reviewed Standing Orders and made recommendations regarding alterations in respect of procurement and contracts and also delegation of powers. The required amendments to be made and presented for Full Council to adopt
Council Account held with Skipton Building Society has been closed due to problems with signatories an alternative account would be sourced.
Council expenditure for the financial year 200516 had been in excess of precepted income due to full repayment of the Public Works
Loan Board liability and the expenditure from Reserves regarding the Bowling Green
Council would require to keep a full asset register
Council Reserves currently equate to slightly more than one year's precept so are in a healthy position. The new Clerk to Council to be employed using the NALC 1 SLCC model contract.

It was proposed and seconded to accept the report of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting of 22nd May 2006

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The report of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting of 22nd May 2006 be accepted and the recommendations made therein become resolutions of Full Council

87/2006. Report from District Councillor Gallagher

District Councillor Gallagher had arrived at the meeting. It was therefore proposed and seconded that the Council meeting be suspended to receive the District Council report.
Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: The meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council is suspended to receive the District Council Report from District Councillor M Gallagher.

District Councillor Gallagher reported that a new telephone number had been set up for customer services enquires - the number is
01522 699699. The Anti-Social Behaviour team will be applying to the courts for an order relating to a youth from Bracebridge
Heath shortly. Cllr Burley reported the problems with the bushes on Davy's Lane, which had been raised earlier in the meeting.
District Councillor Gallagher would request that Nina Camm looks into the matter.
There being no further questions District Councillor Gallagher was thanked for his report,
The meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council resumed following the District Council report.

88/2006: Accounts Requiring Approval

It was proposed and seconded that the payments listed below for accounts to31st May2006 be accepted and payments authorised.
Payments made between meetings: -
Chq no Nature of Payment Amount

400614 Inbowls & Leisure Ltd Final payment re Bowling Green £11,456.65
400615 Lincolnshire Publishing Co Recruitment Advertising £ 270.72

NB. Cheque Payments made between meetings were signed by Cllrs Burley, Spencer, & Mrs Manders
Payments for Approval - Accounts to 31' May 2006
Chq no Payee Nature of Payment Amount

June BACS 1 Kesteven District Council Pavilion Rates £227.00
June BACS 2 ESPO Vacuum - Pavilion £152.75
June BACS 3 Jackson Building centre Locks and Keys £168.71
June BACS 4 Powergen Street Lighting Account £780.31
June BACS 5 Powergen Pavilion Account £134.72
June BACS 6 Edge Design Internal Audit £173.31
June BACS 7 Parish Dog Warden May Account £227.50
June BACS 8 Lincsgreen Grass Cutting £218.56
June BACS 9 ABB Ltd Street Lighting repair Main Ave £34.99
Chq 400616 Village Hall Management Committee Room Hire £27.00
Chq 400617 Stonebow Hone Improvements Ltd Sealed Units -Pavilion £627.00
Chq 4006 1 8 Langleys Professional Advice - Redhall Lane £670.00
Chq 400619 Securit Security Services Repairs - Lighting £88.12
Chq 400620 Alliance Cornhill Insurance Insurance Policy Renewal £2069.63
Chq 400621/2 Salaries & Allowances £726.43

Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: That the payments for accounts to 3 1st May 2006 be paid.

89/2006: Correspondence for consideration

Cllr Mrs S Manders declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting
St John's Primary School - Copy of a letter from the Chairman of Governors to Peter Duxbury, LCC - Matter had been discussed in Public Session, no further action required
Cllr Mrs Manders returned to the meeting
Request from PCSO Walters for assistance with youth clean-up day - It was proposed and seconded that an allowance of £30 be paid to assist with this project be made from the Chairman's Allowance
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: An allowance of £30 is paid to assist PCSO Walters with the Youth Clean-Up Day payment to be made from the Chairman's Allowance

NKDC - Issues Survey & Anti Social Behaviour Survey
Lincoln City Council - Masterplan Consultation
PDWS - Dog Warden report for April 2006- May Report not received to date
Lincolnshire County Council - Transport & Travel Briefing - Copies available for the Clerk
Lincolnshire Road S~ Partnership - Strategic Road Safety Plan March 2006 - Copy available from the Clerk
Lincolnshire County Council - Free Trees for Parishes Scheme - Passed to Cllr Burley - Members were asked to consider and identify potential sites in the village which may benefit
Community Council for Lincolnshire - Details of Parish Plan Workshops
NKDC - Details of Local Environment Overview & Scrutiny Panel Meeting - Passed to Councillor Burley

90/2006: Items for the Agenda for the Council meeting, of 4th July 2006

No items were requested to be included on the agenda for the next Council meeting to be held on 4th July 2006

91/2006: Exempt Information

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration on minute no 52/2006 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule /2A of the Act.

Cllr Hunter declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting

92/2006: Access Rights over Redhall lane

Members considered correspondence from both Langley’s Solicitors and the District Valuer regarding the granting of access rights over Redhall Lane to the plot at 10 Redhall Lane for which Planning Permission has been granted. The Correspondence from Langley’s included an offer for access rights from the owner of the plot, Members discussed the offer at length and it was proposed and seconded that the solicitor be instructed to reply to the owner of the plot advising that the offer was insufficient for the granting of the access rights and Council would require a payment for the Wayleave in line with the valuation provided by the District Valuer, circa £40,000.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved. Council's solicitor is instructed to reply to the owner of the plot advising that the offer was insufficient for the granting of the access rights and Council would seek a payment for the wayleave in line with the valuation provided by the District Valuer, circa £40,000.

Cllr Hunter returned to the meeting

93/2006: Annual Return for Councils

The Annual Return for Councils and Accounts had been completed by Clerk and circulated to members prior to the meeting. There being no questions it was proposed and seconded that the Chairman and Clerk sign the Annual return on behalf of the Council for submission to the Auditors

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the Chairman and Clerk sign the Annual return on behalf of the Council for submission to the Auditors

94/2006: Appointment of Clerk to Council

To date nine applications had been received for the post of Clerk to Council, in order to appoint the new clerk it was proposed and seconded that a sub- committee be formed of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Chairman of Finance & General Purposes Committee to deal with the short listing of applicants, interviews and appointment. Two referees would be contacted for each applicant.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That a sub- committee be formed of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Chairman of Finance & General Purposes Committee to deal with the short listing of applicants, interviews and appointment.

There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.35pm

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