A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.
Minutes of a meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday the 5th September 2006 in Bracebridge Heath village hall at 7:15pm.
Present: - Chairman Councillor P Burley,
Vice-Chairman Councillor J Ward, Councillors Mrs M Burton, Mrs S Manders, M Spencer, R Clements, G Fletcher, WH Rawson MBE, Mrs K Storey, Mrs B Young & GP Young
County Councillor Mrs Talbot, District Councillors Gallagher and Mrs Hubbard were also in attendance.
Public session Police ReportPCSO Duckworth reported that 33 crimes have been reported within the parish since the last meeting in July. Offences have included criminal damage, damage to motor vehicles, theft, theft from motor vehicles, deception, burglary, assaults, bilking, breach of ASBO, and driving with excess alcohol.
Problems have been reported with speeding on Grantham Road and also with youth disorder in the vicinity of Sycamore Grove, tasking has taken place to enable officers to attend to these incidents.
It was reported to PCSO Duckworth that a wall to the rear of the village hall has been destroyed due to vandalism, PCSO Duckworth would report this to PC Annall for investigation.
There being no further questions PCSO Duckworth left the meeting.
County CouncilCounty Councillor Mrs Talbot had no matters to report, however some discussions have been held with Councillor Spencer regarding the problems with the youth club, which Councillor Spencer will report on later in the meeting. County Councillor Mrs Talbot gave apologies as she would be unable to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council to be held on a 3rd October 2006.
District Council District Councillor Gallagher reported that larger recycling wheelie bins are available to residents at a cost of £15. The District Council has no current plans to put microchips into wheelie bins. A planning application has recently been submitted for the property at 30 Norfolk Crescent, which should be with the Parish Council shortly. The District Council has recently been successful in obtaining an anti-social behavior order against a resident of Bracebridge Heath. With regards to the proposed Lincoln Southern Bypass the executive committee of the District Council at a recent meeting supported option 3 as the preferred route, however should this route be unable to be developed then the preferred route would be 2C. The District Council however remains fully committed to the Lincoln Southern Bypass.
The chairman reported an inquiry he had received from the occupier of 7 Broadway regarding the area of land to the rear of her property, which backs onto Willow Court, which has become overgrown with weeds and shrubbery. District Councillor Gallagher would raise the matter with Nina Camm for investigation as to the owners of this piece of land. Alterations have been made to the exterior of tower fisheries on Grantham Road however no planning application has been submitted to the Parish Council for consultation; District Councillor Gallagher was requested to establish whether planning permission was required for these alterations.
District Councillor Mrs Hubbard had no further matters to report relating to District Council activities.
A resident of the village asked the parish council members what action they were proposing to take regarding the increase in vandalism in Bracebridge Heath. CCTV cameras are in place at the Recreation Ground to cover the bowling green and tennis courts can CCTV cameras be used to cover other parts of the village. The Chairman responded that the matter raised by the resident is a police matter and should accordingly be raised with the local committee beat officer PC Annall. The tennis court and bowling green are Parish Council responsibilities and the cameras are in place to protect these council assets.
Council session
109/2006: Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hunter.
110/2006: Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a personal interest in item 7 on the agenda relating to the withdrawal of the Stagecoach bus services due to use of the bus services by Mrs Rawson.
Cllrs Burley, Ward, Mrs Burton, Mrs Manders, Spencer, Clements, Fletcher, Rawson M B E, Kwa, Mrs Storey, Mrs Young, and Young, declared personal interests in the correspondence received from a resident relating to the closure of Hunters Butchers due to Mr Hunter at being a fellow Parish Councillor.
111/2006: Minutes of the meeting held on 4th July 2006Council received the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 4th July 2006, it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on the 4th July 2006 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
112/2006: Report by Clerk to Council on Ongoing MattersSection 106 agreement St. John's Park - further correspondence has been received from North Kesteven District Council by Langleys Solicitors this matter to be discussed during closed session.
Youth club - no correspondence has been received from Bracebridge Heath Youth Club regarding the model constitution however the Council has been informed that the Annual General Meeting will take place on the 21st September 2006. Cllr Spencer has a further report to be made later in the meeting.
Play area - gates have now been fitted at the Grantham Road Play Area.
Litter bins - the new litter bins had been received and collected by the handyman for installation.
LALC – regarding the re-organisation of local government a briefing note has been received from LALC and circulated to all members at the commencement of the meeting.
Bath Road/Norwich Drive - the problems regarding speeding motorists have been passed to Lincolnshire County Council Highways, contact details of the officers within the Highways Department have been passed to the resident who raised the initial query.
Davy's Lane - the petition regarding parking at the junction of Davy's Lane and Sleaford Road was discussed at the Lincolnshire County Council Planning and Regulation Committee meeting held on the 17th July 2006.
113/2006: Report by Parish Council Representative to the Gala Day CommitteeCouncillor Rawson MBE gave a further report regarding the Gala Day again highlighting concerns regarding the future of the gala day as the organisation is left to too small a number of willing volunteers. The next meeting of the committee will be held on 14th September 2006 any help any assistance with the organisation of the event would be greatly appreciated.
114/2006: Report from the Parish Council Representative to Bracebridge Heath Youth ClubCouncillor Spencer reported that a meeting had been held on the 10th August 2006 to discuss the ongoing problems with the club. The Annual General Meeting had been set 21st September 2006, however no agenda had been received.
Councillor WH Rawson MBE declared a Personal Interest in the following item
115/2006: Withdrawal of Stagecoach bus servicesMembers discussed the withdrawal of the 1A service by the new operators Stagecoach. The Parish Council have received many comments from residents regarding the inconvenience of the withdrawal of this service and the lack of consultation with local residents. It was proposed and seconded that the council register a protest about the way the service had been withdrawn. Mention was also made regarding the way that the bus services are funded and it may be beneficial for the District Council to investigate this matter.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That the Council register a protest with Stagecoach regarding the withdrawal of the 1A Service
the Clerk would send correspondence to Stagecoach to this effect.
116/2006: Arrangements for the Remembrance Sunday Service The Remembrance Sunday Service would be held on 12th November, 2006 it was proposed and seconded that the same arrangements be made as in previous years in with regard to provision of refreshments and the purchase of a wreath.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That arrangements for Remembrance Sunday Service be made as in previous years and in relation to provision of refreshment and purchase of a wreath. The Clerk would confirm with the Chief Constable regarding Police cover to control traffic.
117/2006: Arrangements for the production of the annual information sheetWith regard to the annual information sheet published in December and circulated to all households with the Parish magazine, it was proposed and seconded that the same arrangements as in previous years be made. The Chairman confirmed that Mr Clark was happy to continue with the production of this information.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Arrangements for the production of the annual information sheets continue as in previous years.
118/2006: Report from Planning Lighting and Roads Committee meeting held on 5th September at 2006Cllr Mrs Manders reported on a meeting of the Committee held prior to the Full Council meeting the following Planning Applications and Decisions have been received and were discussed:
Planning Applications:-
06/0758 – Erection of detached garage at 16 Norfolk Crescent
06/0760 – Proposed two storey extension at 36 Oakdene Avenue
06/0990 – Two storey side extension at 72 Bath Road
06/0986 – Erection of chalet bungalow on land between 23 & 25 Ridgeview Road
06/0859 – Erection of 3 dwellings and garage block – Park Lane
Planning Decisions:-
0578/06 – Erection of two dishes to existing mast at Cross O'Cliff Court
0624/06 – Two storey side extension at 32 Worcester Close
0452/06 – Erection of rear conservatory at 8 Norwich Drive
0379/06 – New doctors surgery and alterations to John Bull Public House, Redhall Lane
LU/69 - Application for certificate of lawful use or development at The Old Brickyard
0755/06 – Single storey extension at 73 London Road
0758/06 – Erection of detached garage at 16 Norfolk Crescent
119/2006: Report from the Recreation Ground CommitteeCllr Ward gave a report on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 17th July, 2006. The following matters were discussed; the purchase of a wet dry vacuum cleaner for the bowling green be made as a matter of urgency, consideration to be given to erection of floodlighting for the tennis court areas, the Bowls Club currently
has no secretary, four teams will play football from the ground during the forthcoming season, no recent contact had been received from the Youth Club, the seat recently purchased is to be located near to the bowling green, District Councillor Mrs Hubbard has been appointed as the District Council Representative to the Committee, the Secretary has recently handed in her notice and therefore the Committee is looking for a new secretary, no further complaints have been received regarding the locking of the gates overnight and the bowling green was being used however could be used more frequently.
120/06: Accounts for payment. Payments made between meetings Accounts to 31st July 2006
Cheque no 400628 VHMC Room Hire £46.50
Cheque no 400629 Mohawk Security Rec Ground Security £352.50
Cheque no 400630 PD Fencing Fencing – Play Area £2587.35
Cheque no 400631/2 Salary & Allowances £654.69
Cheque no 400633 HMRC Tax & NIC Deductions £329.66
BACS no 1 NKDC Pavilion Rates £227.00
BACS no 2 British Gas Pavilion Account £86.25
BACS no 3 Parish Dog Warden July Account £242.50
BACS no 4 Lincsgreen Grass Cutting £218.56
BACS no 5 ABB Ltd Street Light Repair £26.26
BACS no 6 Anglian Water Allotments Account £97.39
BACS no 7 Wicksteed Leisure Swing Frames £5165.48
Accounts to 31st August 2006
Cheque no 400651 NKDC Pavilion Rates £227.00
Cheque no 400652 Parish Dog Warden August Account £227.50
Cheque no 400653 Powergen Pavilion & Street Lighting £1699.06
Cheque no 400654 Gasforce Maintenance – Village Hall Boiler £737.71
Cheque no 400655 Glasdon Litter Bins £360.05
Cheque no 400656 Mohawk Security Rec Ground Security £364.25
Cheque no 400657 Jackson BC Materials – Bus Shelters £100.03
Cheque no 400658/9/10 Salary, Allowances & Handyman Exps £943.73
It was proposed and seconded that the accounts to 31st August 2006 be paid.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The accounts to 31st August 2006 be paid.
121/2006: Correspondence for consideration NKDC – Report on objections to the North Kesteven Local Plan
NKDC – Adoption of Sleaford Maltings Supplementary Planning Document
Lincolnshire Police – Confirmation of cancellation of Police Merger
Lincolnshire Police – Details of October 2006 Police & Community Forums
Central Networks – Building Better and Safer Environments
NKDC & Leisure Connection Ltd – Details of Funding Fair – 21st September 2006
Lincolnshire County Council – Viking Way Long Distance Route Factsheet Questionnaire
Community Council of Lincolnshire – Details and Invitation to AGM
NKDC – New Ranger Service for North Kesteven District
Community Council of Lincolnshire – Details of Lincolnshire Information Fairs
NKDC – Guidance of Freedom of Information and other Procedures
NKDC – Parish Partnerships
NKDC – Gambling Act 2005 – Consultation Document
North Hykeham Town Council – Details of Meeting re Section 106
Correspondence from a resident re closure of Hunters
122/06: Items for inclusion on the agenda the next meeting to be held on 3rd October 2006The following items requested to place on the agenda for the next meeting; litter on the woodland walk, railings at St John's Park, reports on the Gala Day committee meeting.
123/06: Exempt information Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That, under section 100 (a) (4) of the Local Government Act 1970 to the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute numbers 124,125,126 & 127/06 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 Ward of Schedule 12A of the Act.
It was proposed and seconded that all the documentation on behalf of the council be signed by any two of the Chairman, Vice-chairman and Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
Vote: Unanimous Resolved: that all the documentation in respect of the proposed developments be signed by any two of the Chairman, Vice-chairman and Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
125/06: Bracebridge Heath Youth ClubCllr Spencer gave further updates on matters relating to the Youth Club with concerns regarding the management of the club. It was proposed and seconded that the Parish Council write to Lincolnshire County Council, who had supplied a grant to Bracebridge Heath Youth Club, to advise them of the situation and to request their assistance in resolving the outstanding issues. The correspondence would be sent to County Councillor Mrs Christine Talbot to enable the matter to be raised.
126/06: Correspondence regarding Section 106 obligation St. John's ParkThe Clerk read from a response by North Kesteven District Council to correspondence sent by Langleys Solicitors on behalf of the Council regarding the payment of interest on money it held on behalf of the Parish Council. The contents of the letter were noted, members were unhappy with the response from Mr Fitch, chief executive of North Kesteven District Council.
127/06: Standards Sub Panel Decision in respect of SBE 1294. 05Members were advised of the decision of Standards Sub-Panel of North Kesteven District Council the background to the complaints were discussed and the decision noted. The decision of the Standards Sub-Panel is subject to appeal by the member concerned.
Further to this decision the Clerk read from a correspondence from North Kesteven District Council regarding Code of Conduct training. It was suggested that this training take place prior to a Parish Council meeting however members thought that the timescales involved would not practical and it would be preferable to arrange a separate event to cover training to ensure all issues were covered.
There being no further matters to be discussed the Chairman closed the meeting at 9:50pm