
A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Minutes November 06

Minutes of a Meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th November 2006 in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall at 7.15pm.

Present: Chairman Cllr P R Burley

Cllrs GP Young, WH Rawson MBE, Mrs S Manders, Mrs K Storey, G Fletcher & M Spencer

County Councillor Mrs C Talbot, District Councillors M Gallagher & Mrs R Hubbard and Mr J E Stanley – Clerk to the Council were in attendance. Three members of the public were present.

Public Session

Police Report – PC Annall sent his apologies, the Clerk read from a written report advising that 25 offences had been reported during the preceding month. The reported offences included criminal damage, theft, damage to motor vehicles, theft from shed / garage, damage to commercial property, assault, public order offence and possession of offensive weapon.

District Council – District Councillor Gallagher advised the Council that the queries raised by the Council at the last meeting had been passed to the relevant officers regarding Viking Court and land at Broadway. The Clerk confirmed that correspondence had been received from NKDC concerning both matters. Grants are available from NKDC to residents in support of the Decent Homes Standard Initiative; further information can be obtained from NKDC. District Councillor Gallagher also advised the meeting of a scam involving a company called Parcel Delivery Services and advised all present not to reply to any cards from this firm delivered to households using the premium rate number quoted.

District Councillor Gallagher was asked in the retrospective planning application in respect of Heath Fish Bar had been submitted and if the provision of a litter bin could be included in any permission granted. The application had not yet been received and a request could be made for such a condition; District Councillor Gallagher advised the meeting that he would also be requesting a condition to this effect.

District Councillor Mrs R Hubbard informed the meeting that she had been corresponding with a resident of Cross O’Cliff Hill regarding problems with speeding traffic; the resident had also written to the Parish Council and the matter would be discussed later on the agenda. On the 15th November 2006 the launch of the Community Sport network would take place at Waddington Village Hall. A complaint from a resident regarding damage to hedging has been referred to the Anti-Social Behaviour Team.

There being no further questions the District Councillors were thanked for their reports.

County Council – County Councillor Mrs C Talbot opened by reporting how sorry she was to hear of the death of Councillor Kwa who gave great service to the community.

County Councillor Mrs Talbot had raised all the concerns regarding highways with Alan Brown on behalf of the Council. An investigation had been set in motion by County Councillor Mrs Talbot regarding the activities of Bracebridge Heath Youth Club; the Clerk would forward a copy of the constitution to assist with the investigation. It was reported by Members that problems are being experienced on Clover Road with speeding vehicles.

Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a personal interest in the following matter as a resident of Churchill Avenue

Cllr Rawson MBE reported that the surface of the pavement in Churchill Avenue is breaking up and requires attention.

Cllr Spencer declared a personal interest in the following matter being a resident of Davy’s Lane

Cllr Spencer reported that the drop kerb on the northern side of Davy’s Lane is raised and represents a danger to users.

County Councillor Mrs Talbot would take these matters to Alan Brown for investigation. There being no further questions County Councillor Mrs Talbot was thanked for her report.

A resident commented that as an observation regarding the Youth Club that the Committee members need galvanising into taking responsibility for the Club, the role of the Area Youth Worker in the matters was also queried.

Council Session

145/06 - Apologies for Absence

Apologies for Absence were received from Cllrs Hunter, Mrs M Burton, Ward, Clements and Mrs B Young

146/06 - Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda

Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda were made by Cllr WH Rawson MBE who declared a personal interest in item 13 on the Agenda relating to Council Standing Orders.

147/06 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 3rd October 2006

Council received the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October 2006; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.

Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October 2006, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman

148/06 - Clerks Report on ongoing matters

The Clerk updated Council on the following matters:

149/06 - Review and discuss the marking sheets from Best Kept Village Competition 2006 and consider future actions

Copies of the marking sheet from the Best Kept Village Competition had been circulated to members at the last meeting and at the November meeting; the results were discussed at length it particular the comments regarding litter. Following discussion it was proposed and seconded that letters be sent to the Co-Op Store, Public Houses, doctors surgery and take away advising that the Council was concerned regarding problems with litter in the village and reminding the commercial properties of their responsibilities to maintain their premises. Correspondence also to be sent to NKDC advising of the comments regarding the area around the NKDC recycling facility.

Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: That letters be sent to the Co-Op Store, Public Houses, doctors surgery and take away advising that the Council was concerned regarding problems with litter in the village and reminding the commercial properties of their responsibilities to maintain their premises. Correspondence also to be sent to NKDC advising of the comments regarding the area around the NKDC recycling facility

150/06 - Residents correspondence regarding Speed Cameras for Coningsby Crescent

Correspondence had been received from a resident of Cross O’Cliff Hill regarding speeding on Cross O’Cliff Hill and a campaign to reduce speeding traffic. After discussion it was resolved that the Clerk would make enquires of the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolnshire Police to gain more information on the initiatives available to assist with speed reduction.

151/06 - Planning Applications and Decisions Received

The following Planning Applications and Decisions have been received:

Planning Applications Received to 31st October 2006

N/12/1206/06 Two Storey Side Extension, Front Porch and Rear Conservatory including replacement windows at 7 Meadow Way

N/12/1210/06 Single Storey Rear Extension at 31 Churchill Avenue

Planning Decisions Received to 31st October 2006

N/12/0903/06 Display Illuminated Signage at John Bull Inn, London Road

N/12/0859/06 Erection of Three Dwellings and Garage Block to Serve Previously Approved Chapel Conversion at Park Lane

N/12/1042/06 Erection of Two Storey Side / Rear Extension and Erection of Detached Double Garage at 30 Norfolk Crescent

152/06 - Report from the Recreation Ground Committee

No Report was presented from the Recreation Ground Committee

153/06 - Payment of accounts to 31st October 2006

The following accounts to 31st October 2006 were presented for payment






Bracebridge Heath Village Hall

Room Hire - September/ October




Pavilion Rates - November



Church Commissioners

Rent Charges - Allotments



Parish Dog Warden Services

October Account



Mohawk Security Ltd

Security Charges - September & October



British Gas

Pavilion Charges 27/7 - 30/10




Street Light Repairs Grange Rd, Main Ave



The Poppy Appeal

Purchase of Wreath




Pavilion Account to 31/10/06



Salary, Allowances

Handyman Expenses


It was proposed and seconded that the accounts to 31st October 2006 be approved and paid.

Vote: Unanimous Resolved: The accounts to 31st October 2006 be approved and paid.

154/06 - Items of correspondence for consideration


Confirmation Council may Co-Opt to fill current vacancy


Information concerning 2007 Elections


Draft Taxi Licensing Policy - Consultation Document


Invitation to Launch of Community Sport Network - 15/11/06

Lincolnshire County Council

Lincoln Southern Bypass Public Consultation 2 Document


Parish Magazine Information

North Hykeham Town Council

Copy of a letter sent to Mr I Fytche re Section 106 Agreements


Decent Homes Standard Information


Further correspondence re verge to the rear of 7 Broadway

Lincs Playing Fields Assoc

Notice of AGM - 23rd November 2006

E Mids Regional Assembly

Draft Regional Plan Consultation Events - 9/11/06 Lincoln


Autumn 2006 - Linkline

Lincoln City Council

Lincoln LDF - Consultation on Climate Change, Energy and

Design and District Mixed Use Centres

Lincoln City Council

LDF Lincoln - Statement of Community Involvement


Information on Regional Plan for East Midlands

155/06 - Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting to be held on 5th December 2006

It was requested that the availability of places at St John’s Primary School and the provision and usage of bus shelters on Grantham Road be placed on the agenda for the meeting of 5th December 2006

156/06 – Exempt Information

It was proposed and seconded that under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 157/06 & 158/06 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 157/06 & 158/06 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a personal interest in the following item (minute no 157/06)

157/06 - Council Standing Orders

In response to the Council’s request for clarification to the legality of standing order, in order to protect all members, the Clerk read from a reply received from Richard Enderby, County Secretary of Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils, the contents and response were noted.

158/06 - To review correspondence regarding Section 106 Agreement relating to Viking Court

Copies of a piece of correspondence from Shirley Barlow, NKDC Open Spaces Officer, relating to Section 106 monies were circulated to members and discussed. Members identified several schemes which could potentially benefit from the available monies including floodlighting of the tennis court area and a basketball/football goal module for the Recreation Ground. The Clerk would make enquires and obtain quotation for these schemes.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm

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