A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.
Minutes of the meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall on Tuesday 5th December 2006 at 7. 15 pm
Present: Chairman Cllr P Burley
Cllrs Mrs S Manders, WH Rawson MBE, M Spencer, G Fletcher, GP Young, Mrs K Storey
County Councillor Mrs C Talbot, District Councillor M Gallagher and the Clerk to Council Mr J E Stanley were also in attendance. One member of the public was present
County Council
County Councillor Mrs C Talbot advised the Council that a copy of the constitution of Bracebridge Heath Youth Club had been received and investigations were ongoing. The Executive of the County Council had recently discussed the preferred route for the Lincoln Southern Bypass; the Committee had selected option c as the preferred route.
There being no questions Cllr Mrs Talbot was thanked for her report.
Police Matters
PC Gordon, recently appointed Community Beat Manager, introduced himself to the meeting and reported on 15 recorded offences in the Parish since the last meeting. Offences reported included; damage, burglary, thefts, damage to motor vehicle, driving offence and two assaults. Arrests have been made for both reported assaults.
PC Gordon was asked to investigate problems with vehicles illegally parked on Red Hall Drive; the problems would be investigated as requested.
District Council
District Councillor Gallagher reported on the following matters relating to District Council activities; District Councillor Heppell a member for a ward in Sleaford had recently passed away, District Councillor Mrs Flint has been appointed to the Standards Board for England, planning applications can now be tracked on-line, the planning application for Heath Fish Bar has been received and finally 1100 residents have been invited to join the Council Citizen Panel however some of the invites have been sent to people residing in Lincoln outside of the NKDC area.
District Councillor Gallagher was asked which officer was responsible for ensuring Section 106 agreements are adhered to as the Council are currently experiencing problems with the Section 106 re Stane Drive. District Councillor Gallagher would ask Mr Bishop to investigate the current problems.
There being no further questions District Councillor Gallagher was thanked for his report.
Cllr Mrs Manders advised the meeting of the result of the recent Ofsted inspection at St John's Primary School the School had received a report of good with outstanding features of which everyone associated with the school was to be congratulated.
159/06: Apologies for Absence
Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Clements & Cllr Mrs Young
160/06: Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda
Cllr Mrs K Storey declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Planning Application for 16 Salisbury Drive being a resident of Salisbury Drive and a Personal Interest re St John's Primary School as a parent of a pupil of the school.
Cllr Mrs S Manders declared a Personal Interest re St John's Primary School as Chair of Governors of the School and a Personal Interest in Correspondence received re Grange Road
Cllr Fletcher declared a Personal Interest in Correspondence received re Grange Road as a resident of Grange Road.
161/06: Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th November 2006
Council received the minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2006; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2006, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman
Mr & Mrs Clark were thanked for their assistance with the refreshments on Remembrance Sunday, the Clerk was asked to write to Lincolnshire Police thanking them for their attendance
162/06: Clerks Report on ongoing matters
The Clerk updated Council on the following matters:
· Highways - Email has been sent to Mike Rizan, LCC Highways to query all previously raised Highways Matters - no further correspondence to date received.
· Litter - Correspondence sent to local business re problems with litter
· Arenway - Correspondence sent to Arenway via Wentworth Anderson, holding reply received pending the matters being looked into - Ongoing
· Youth Club - Copy constitution forwarded to County Councillor Mrs Talbot
· Speed Cameras - Request sent to acquire more information re Parish Link Scheme
· Section 106 Monies - Further quotations are awaited from potential suppliers for the schemes identified
Cllrs Mrs Storey & Mrs Manders declared Personal Interests in the following item
163/06: The availability of pupil places at St Johns Primary School
Cllr Mrs Manders gave an update on the current situation regarding places at St John's School; the school is currently at capacity and liable to become oversubscribed with the forthcoming Arenway development. No further action can be taken at present but the situation will need to be monitored.
164/06: Provision and requirements of bus shelters on Grantham Road
Members discussed the current requirements of bus shelters on Grantham Road adjacent to the development at Viking Court; the shelter directly by Viking Court is no longer used and in a poor state of repair. The Clerk was asked to enquire as the ownership of the land in St John's Road adjacent to Viking Court with a view to provision of a shelter at that stop.
165/06: Disposal of Open Space Land in Bracebridge Heath by NKDC
Members discussed the Public Notice advising the NKDC wishes to dispose of open space land in St John's Square and Meadow Way; Members, following discussion, unanimously resolved that there is insufficient open space provision within Bracebridge Heath and that a strong letter of objection should be sent to NKDC to outline the Council's position on open space provision and objections to the disposal of these areas. Unanimous.
166/06: Planning Application 06/1345 - 10 Sycamore Grove
Planning Application 06/1345 was reviewed and discussed - it was proposed and seconded that no comments or objections were required. Unanimous
Cllr Mrs K Storey declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting
167/06: Planning! Application 06/1386 - 16 Salisbury Drive
Planning Application 06/1386 was reviewed and discussed - it was proposed and seconded that objections be made to the Planning Authority, NKDC, for the following reasons; the proposals are not in keeping with the main property or the surrounding properties, the materials to be used are out of keeping with the adjacent properties, the development would be very close to the edge of the plot and the highway and the conservatory would not be screened from public view. Unanimous
Cllr Mrs Storey returned to the meeting
168/06: Report on Planning Decisions received to 30th November 2006
The Following Planning Decisions had been received: -
N12/1210/06 - Single Storey Extension, 31 Churchill Avenue
N/12/1206/06 - Two Storey Extension, front porch and rear conservatory, 1 Meadow Way
169/06: Report from the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee
Cllr Burley gave a report on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 27th November 2006 matters discussed included the football goalpost one set had been repaired the other set however would require replacements, the Bowls Club have requested permission to erect a shelter by the bowling green, two sets of the nets on the tennis courts have been removed for the winter to prevent damage, neither the Youth Club nor Tennis Clubs were discussed and finally the floodlights for the CCTV are not Functioning as expected.
170/06: Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 30th November 2006
The Clerk to Council presented the accounts and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget. It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts.
Vote - Unanimous
Resolved - That payment of the accounts to 30th November 2006 be approved by Council.
400667 Powergen Street Lighting Account to 9th November £780.31
400668 Parish Dog Warden Services November Account £227.50
400669 NKDC Pavilion Rates - December Payment £227.00
400670 Lincsgreen Grass Cutting, September 06 £156.87
400671 ABB Street Lighting Repairs x 3 £113.78
400672 Mr R A Clark Reimbursement re Rem Sunday £33.74
400673 HMCE - Inland Revenue Income Tax & NIC £579.66
400674-7 Salary, AllowancesHonarium & Handyman Exps £851.03
400678 Langleys Solicitors Advice re NKDC / Section 106 £317.25
400679 Edge Designs Ltd Internal Audit Fee £247.34
400680 Mohawk Security Ltd Security Charges - November 2006 £352.50
171/06: Items of correspondence received to 30th November 2006
The Clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:
Environment Agency River Witham Catchments Flood Management Plan
NKDC Results of Estate Audit, Grange Road
matter not discussed
Lincolnshire FWAG Annual Review & Magazine
Breathing Places Programme Details of Phase Two Grants
NKDC Website Facility - Lincolnshire County Council
LCC Transport & Travel Briefing
NKDC Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning
NKDC Update re Stane Drive
NKDC The Clerk reported a telephone call received from Cliff Robinson at NKDC regarding the cancellation of training of the Code of Conduct. The Clerk was requested to write to NKDC to arrange an alternative date for the training session
172/06: Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting to be held on 2nd January 2007
It was requested that the date of payment of grants to Village Organisations for the financial year 2007/8 be discussed and agreed at the next meeting of Council scheduled for 2nd January 2007
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm