
A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Minutes February 2007

Minutes of a meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall on Tuesday 6th February 2007 at 7.15pm

Present: Cllr PR Burley (Chairman)
Cllrs J Ward, WH Rawson MBE, Mrs S Manders, Mrs B Young, GP Young, M Spencer, R Clements & G Fletcher

District Councillors M Gallagher, Mrs R Hubbard & Clerk to Council, JE Stanley, were also in attendance
Police Report - PC Gordon reported that 13 crimes had been reported in the Parish between meetings and 5 arrests had been made. Offences include; assault, drink driving, public order offence, damage to motor vehicle, theft from motor vehicle and burglary. The Police are currently working with residents of Red Hall Drive in an attempt to tackle the problems currently experienced by the residents.

District Council - District Councillor Gallagher reported that planning application has been submitted for Heath Fish Bar, however the current status of the application is invalid. The Clerk had received correspondence and a copy of a deed of covenant relating to land to the rear of Sleaford Road cottages; this land has an access off it and could not be used as additional car parking. Planning Applications have been submitted for land adjacent to 29 Broadway and in Clover Road for development on the disposed of open space. District Councillor Gallagher was asked of any plans to provide additional recreation space in Bracebridge Heath, there are currently no plans, the priority is affordable housing. Members expressed their feelings regarding the disposal of this land which had been provided as amenity space for the use of the children of the village for a number of years. District Councillor Gallagher was asked for an update on the development of the former St John's Hospital site further to a meeting held on 30th January 2007, also will the timetable for development be a public document and why is the information regarding disposal of asbestos not published. District Councillor Gallagher advised that initially some new build properties will be constructed alongside the renovation of the existing building, District Councillor Gallagher would enquire to see if the requested documents can be released to the Parish Council.

Parking on Davy's Lane - a resident asked if the tenant car park on Davy's Lane could also be used by private residents as currently only 1 council tenant uses the car park; District Councillor Gallagher suggested that the Council write to NKDC to request the car park be made available to all residents.
Davy's Lane - a resident of Davy's Lane asked the Council if any trees or shrubs were available to be planted in Davy's Lane to prevent a shortcut being used; Councillor Burley would request some shrubs later m the year when they become available.
Bowling Green - Members of the bowls club reported that the rink markers had come loose; the Clerk would contact Inbowls to arrange the necessary maintenance.
Cllr WH Rawson declared a personal interest as a life member of the Day Centre in the following matter
Village Hall heating - problems had been experienced with the Village Hall heating and hot water system; Gasforce attended the site and carried out the required repairs, the hall had been closed for a period of time which had inconvenienced some users groups. Cllr Young reported that the heating will remain switched on permanently until April 2007.

018/2007 - Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs Storey

019/2007 - Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda
Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Planning Decision relating to Perry Court.
Cllr Mrs S Manders declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Planning Application for 13 Lancia Crescent.
Cllr Burley declared a Prejudicial Interest in the payment of the accounts to Ermine Engineering.
Cllr Ward declared a Personal Interest in the payment of the account for Ermine Engineering.
Cllr Young declared a Personal Interest in the payment of the account for J Harkness.

020/2007 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd January 2007
Council received the minutes of the meeting held 2nd January 2007; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd January 2007, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman
021/2007 - Clerks Report on ongoing matters
The Clerk updated theCouncil on the following matters:
Youth Club County Council investigation in ongoing
Highways Report received from LCC Highways on the matters raised - circulated
Arenway Correspondence sent to Arenway via Wentworth Anderson, holding reply received pending the matters being looked into - Ongoing
Section 106 Monies Further quotations are awaited from potential suppliers for the schemes identified - ongoing
Bus Shelters Correspondence sent to Highways to identify ownership of land on St Johns Road
NKDC Disposal of Open Space in Bracebridge Heath will be discussed by the Executive Committee on 18th January 2006 - See Agenda Item
NKDC No date as yet set for re-scheduled Training Session. NKDC have informed the Council that they will not re-schedule the training session despite numerous requests until after the new code is launched.
Hedge Correspondence sent to residents re overgrown hedge.

024/2007 - Review of the NKDC Executive decision made on 18th January 2007 re disposal of Open Space
Members reviewed the decision of NKDC Executive Committee regarding disposal of Open Space within the Parish. Members aired their feelings regarding the decision and the lack of consultation and consideration on the matter. It was proposed and seconded that legal advice is sought with a view to further objections being made to prevent the disposal of this valuable amenity space. Vote Unanimous. It was noted that Planning Applications for the two sites had been submitted and received by NKDC prior to the formal decision being made to dispose of the land.

022/2007 - Review walking of Public Footpaths
Members reported that that all public footpaths situated math the Parish boundary are regularly walked.

022/2007 - Setting of a date for litter picking event
It was proposed and seconded that the annual litter picking event be scheduled for Saturday 31st March 2007.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The annual litter-picking event be scheduled for Saturday 31st March 2007

023/2007 - Review the Co-option of new member to Council
The Clerk reported to Council that only one enquiry had been received regarding the vacancy on the Council from a resident who had not lived in the Parish for a sufficient period of time, in view of the forthcoming elections no further advertisement would be made.
025/2007 - Report from the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee
Cllr Mrs S Manders reported on the meeting of the Committee held prior to the Full Council Meeting the following applications and decisions had been received:
Planning Applications Received:
06/1504 Erection of two storey side /rear extension - 23 Lichfield Road
06/1560 Extension to rear of dwelling - 15 Bath Road
07/009 Proposed conservatory - 12 Bath Road
Erection of two pairs of semi-detached dwellings for affordable
07/0059 housing - Land adj to 29 Broadway
Erection of a pair of semi-detached single storey dwellings for
07/0058 affordable housing land at Clover Road
07/0015 Erection of a detached dwelling - 33 London Road
07/0078 Formation of new vehicular access - 17 Grantham Road

Cllr Mrs Manders declared a Prejudicial Interest and left the meeting,
Cllr Spencer reported on the following Planning Application:
07/0061 Erection of first floor & single storey extension to side and front elevation - 13 Lancia Crescent

Cllr Mrs Manders returned to the meeting
Planning Decisions Received:
06/1636 Erection affront porch /conservatory - 16 Salisbury Drive
06/1345 Two storey side extension - 10 Sycamore Grove

Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting

06/1466 Erection of single storey rear extension - 2 Perry Court

Cllr Rawson returned to the meeting

06/1449 Erection of single storey side extension - 6 The Link

It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolutions of Full Council - Vote Unanimous

026/2007 - Report from the Recreation Ground Committee
Cllr Ward reported on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 8th January 2007, the following matters had been discussed: CCTV, damage to goalposts, replacements will be required, finances are currently in a healthy state, Youth Club are currently still paying for hire of the Pavilion, Bowls Club have been awarded an Awards for All Grant to assist with their activities and there continues to be problems with dog waste on the ground, a ban on dogs is being considered and the situation continues to be monitored.
Cllr Burley reported on correspondence received from the Bowls Club as a user group of the Recreation Ground requested approval for a move of the perimeter fence surrounding the green to accommodate a shelter It was proposed and seconded that the request be approved and the Bowls Club supported in their development. Vote - Unanimous
Cllr Rawson as Council representative to the Gala Day, also a user group of the Recreation Ground, reported on the recent meeting of the Gala Day Committee at which it had reluctantly been agreed that due to lack of additional volunteers the Gala Day would be mothballed and no Gala Day would be held in 2007. A further meeting would be held in September 2007 to consider future galas. Mr Alan Clark was thanked on behalf of the village for all his hard work as Secretary of the Gala Day Committee.

Cllr Burley declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Payments of Account to Ermine Engineering and left the meeting, Cllr Ward took the Chair. Cllrs Ward and Young declared Personal Interests in the payments of accounts to Ermine Engineering and J Harkness respectively.

027/2007 - Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 31st January 2007
The Clerk to Council presented the accounts for payment and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget. It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That payment of the accounts to 31st January 2007 be approved by Council
400692 Parish Dog Warden Services January Account £227.50
400693 Langleys Solicitors Land Registry Fees £40.00
400694 Bracebridge Heath Village Hall Room Hire -Dec / Jan £21.00
400695 Anglian Water Water Charges - Pavilion £143,25
400696 Powergen Street Lighting Electricity Charges £780.31
400697 ESPO Cleaning Materials - Pavilion £112.60
400698 British Gas Gas Charges - Pavilion £139.94
400699 Anglian Water Water Charges - Allotments £44.74
400700 Mohawk Security Recreation Ground - Dec & Jan £763.75
400701 Ermine Engineering Co Recreation Ground - Repairs to Gate £264.38
400702 J Harkness Village Hall Repairs £254.49
400703 Jackson Building Centres Equipment - Cleaner £35.00
400704/5 Salaries, Allowances & Reimbursement £654.58

Cllr Burley returned to the meeting

028/2007 - Clerk report on items of correspondence received to 31st January 2007
The Clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:
WLDC West Lindsey Local Development Scheme - First Revision
FWAG Lincolnshire FWAG Mailing January 2007
Bowls Club Letter re moving of perimeter fence
Hodgson Elkington Update re Doctors Surgery
LCC Highways - Greater Lincoln & Gains borough Division Proposed Works Programme
NKDC Implications of decision of Mr Justice Collins in the Livingstone Case (previously circulated)
NKDC Statement of Community Involvement
NKDC North Kesteven Local Plan - Proposed Modifications - to be discussed at Planning Committee
North Hykeham TC Minutes of the meeting re Section 106 agreements
WLDC Statement of Community Involvement

029/2007 - Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next mecting to be held on 6th March 2007
No items were requested for the Agenda for the next Council meeting to be held on 6th March 2007

030/2007 - Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. {As per the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960}
It was proposed and seconded that under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 31/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 31/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

031/2007 - Correspondence from Langleys Solicitors re Redhall Lane
Correspondence from Langley’s Solicitors regarding Redhall had been circulated prior to the meeting, the contents were discussed and noted; it was proposed and seconded that further advice be taken from Langley’s regarding the contents of the letter. The Clerk would arrange a meeting with Peter Homer to discuss.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meting closed at 9.15pm

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