A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.
Present Cllr P Burley (Chairman)
Cllrs J Ward (Vice-Chairman), WH Rawson MBE, GP Young, G Fletcher, Mrs S Manders, R Clements, Mrs K Storey, C Lowery, A Appleton, M J Spencer & Mrs S Melladay
Three members of the public were present
County Councillor Mrs C Talbot, District Councillors M Gallagher & R Pring and Clerk to Council J E Stanley were in attendance
Police Report – PCSO Duckworth reported on three recorded crimes within the Parish during the preceding month, two instances of criminal damage and one theft, all currently are undetected. Two detached Youth Workers from Branston Community College are
currently working with the PCSO’s in the Village. The PCSO’s are also concentrating on areas of Anti-Social behaviour and under age drinking in the village
County Council – County Councillor Mrs C Talbot opened by congratulating Cllr Burley on his recent election to the District Council and continued that there were two main issues to report on; the Youth Club and County Councillor Mrs Talbot would forward a report on the voluntary Youth Club by email to the Clerk for circulation to the members and the provision of a school crossing patrol is accessed through the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. All other items raised were being progressed.
District Council – District Councillor Gallagher reported that during the last administration the Council had opened on 1st May 2007 a new car park in Sleaford. Recently elected District Councillor Roger Pring introduced himself to the Members and residents present and commented on how he was looking forward to working with the Parish Council over the forthcoming years.
065/2007 - Election of a Chairman of the Council - Cllr P Burley was proposed and seconded as Chairman of Council, there being no further nominations Cllr Burley was duly elected to the Office of Chairman of Council
Vote: Unanimous Resolved: Cllr P Burley be elected Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council
066/2007 - Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office - Cllr Burley signed the Acceptance of the Office of Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council
067/2007 - Vacancies left unfilled at the election by reason of insufficient nominations - Three council seats remained unfilled following the recent election; Mr M Spencer and Mrs S Melladay were proposed and seconded for Co-Option to the Council.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Mr M Spencer & Mrs S Melladay be co-opted as members of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.
Cllrs Spencer and Mrs Melladay both signed their acceptance of office and took their seats with the Council.
068/2007 - Declarations of acceptance of office which have not been received as provided by law shall be received - All declarations have been received none are outstanding.
070/2007 - Election of a Vice-Chairman of the Council - Cllr J Ward was proposed and seconded as Vice - Chairman of Council, there being no further nominations Cllr Ward was duly elected to the Office of Vice-Chairman of Council
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Cllr J Ward be elected Vice - Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council
071/2007 – Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies The following appointments of representatives to outside bodies were proposed and seconded:-
Organisation 2007/8
Village Hall Management Committee Cllr R Clements
Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club Cllr J Ward
Bracebridge Heath Youth Club Cllr M Spencer
Blacksmiths Football Club Cllr J Ward
Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Assn Cllr Mrs S Melladay
Recreation Ground Committee Cllr G Fletcher
Bracebridge Heath Gala Day Cllr W H Rawson MBE
Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club Cllr J Ward
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Parish Council Representatives to Outside Organisations for the Municipal Year 2007/8 be as follows:
Organisation 2007/8
Village Hall Management Committee Cllr R Clements
Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club Cllr J Ward
Bracebridge Heath Youth Club Cllr M Spencer
Blacksmiths Football Club Cllr J Ward
Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Assn Cllr Mrs S Melladay
Recreation Ground Committee Cllr G Fletcher
Bracebridge Heath Gala Day Cllr W H Rawson MBE
Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club Cllr J Ward
072/2007 – Appointment of Committees and Sub – Committees - The following appointments to Standing Committees were proposed and seconded:-
Finance & General Purposes
Cllr G P Young
Cllr Mrs S Manders
Cllr WH Rawson MBE
Cllr Mrs S Melladay
Cllr G Fletcher
Cllr M Spencer
Planning, Lighting & Roads
Cllr Mrs K Storey
Cllr G Fletcher
Cllr Mrs S Manders
Cllr R Clements
Cllr M Spencer
Cllr A Appleton
Cllr C Lowery
Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces
Cllr WH Rawson MBE
Cllr G Fletcher
Cllr M Spencer
Cllr Mrs K Storey
Cllr R Clements
Cllr A Appleton
Cllr C Lowery
Cllr Mrs S Melladay
Emergency Liaison
Cllr M Spencer
Cllr J Ward
Cllr Mrs S Melladay
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Council Standing Committees for the Municipal Year 2007/2008
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are Ex-Officio members of all committees
073/2007 - Apologies for absence - No apologies for absence were received.
074/2007 - Declarations of interest in items on the agenda – Cllr Burley declared a prejudicial interest in item 13 on the agenda relating to purchase of a roller shutter, Cllr Appleton declared a personal interest in correspondence relating to BFPO mail, Cllrs Young and Fletcher declared personal interest in correspondence from the Village Hall Management Committee, Cllr Ward Declared a personal interest in the report on receipt of a Planning Decision relating to 3 Parkview Court.
075/2007 - Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd April 2007 - Council received the minutes of the meeting held 3rd April 2007; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd April 2007, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman
076/2007 - Clerk’s report on ongoing matters - The Clerk updated the Council on the following matters;,Arenway re litter, NKDC re Section 106 Agreements re Barrett Estate, Bus Shelters, Speed Cameras, Dog Warden and Bowling Green
077/2007 - Correspondence from a resident re the state of the Village pubs – Correspondence from a resident had been received by the Chairman regarding the state of the Public Houses within the Village, the problems were discussed at length and it was proposed and seconded that all business premises within the Parish be written to requesting their premises be maintained and the surrounding areas be kept free of litter.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Correspondence be sent to business premises located in the Village requesting the properties be maintained and the surrounding area kept free of litter.
Cllr Burley declared a prejudicial interest and left the room, Cllr Ward took the Chair.
078/2007 - Purchase of a roller shutter for the pavilion door – Concerns have been raised regarding continuing damage to Pavilion in particular the doors, a quotation from Ermine Engineering has been provided for the supply and installation of a roller shutter to protect the door area. It was proposed and seconded that the quotation be accepted and the shutter purchased.
Vote; Unanimous
Resolved; A roller shutter be purchased from Ermine Engineering to secure the pavilion door.
Cllr Burley returned to the room
079/2007 - Report on Planning Applications and Decisions received. – Cllr Mrs S Manders reported that the following Planning Applications and Decisions had been received:
Planning Applications Received 1st Apr 07 – 30th Apr 07.
07-0390 - Erection of single storey rear extension - 31 Churchill Avenue
07/0415 - Erection of two storey side and rear extension and single storey rear extension - 97 Grantham Rd
07/0434 - New single storey conservatory - 41 Sleaford Road
07/0352 - Erection of 1.m fence and gates - 31 Redhall Lane
Planning Decisions Received 1st Apr 07 – 30th Apr 07
0167/07 - Change of use to A5 Hot food take away - 16 Grantham Road
0163/07 - Erection of single storey rear extension and front porch - 37 Lichfield Rd
0241/07 - Erection of dwelling - Plot adj to 19 Johnson Drive
Cllr J Ward declared a personal interest in application 0184/07
0184/07 - Proposed conservatory - 3 Parkview Court
0144/07 - Proposed conservatory - 21 Red Hall Drive
0077/07 - Erection of gates - 82 Sycamore Grove
0015/07 - Erection of detached dwelling - 33 London Road
0289/07 - Erection of rear conservatory - 18 Sycamore Grove
0250/07 - Two storey side extension and rear conservatory - 50 Jenson Road
1397/06 - Illuminated fascia sign - 32a Grantham Road
080/2007 - Report from Recreation Ground Committee – Cllr Ward gave a report on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 23rd April 2007, the matters discussed were noted and accepted by Council. Concerns were raised regarding damage to doors caused by a recent hirer. The hirer had been billed for the damage but had yet to settle the bill, it was proposed and seconded that the Clerk would write to the hirer with a final demand for payment, if the amount is not settle Council would consider pursuing the matter via the County Court.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The Clerk to issue a final demand for payment in respect of damage to the Pavilion
081/2007 - Clerks report of payments made between meetings – the Clerk reported that the following payments were made between meetings for accounts to the 30th April 2007.
400727 Parish Dog Warden Services April Account £215.76
400728 NKDC Pavilion Rates £120.35
400729 British Gas Pavilion Account £314.50
400730 Langleys Solicitors Professional Fees £943.53
400731 Powergen Street Lighting Account £771.72
400732 Bracebridge Heath Village Hall Room Hire £37.50
400733/4 Salaries, Allowances Handyman & Reimbursement £656.47
082/2007 - Clerks report on payments of grants to village organisations made on 1/5/07 – the Clerk reported that the following payments were made on 1st May 2007 in accordance with Minute no 01/2007
Chq No Payee Reason Amount
400735 Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Association Grant £200.00
400736 Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club Grant £200.00
400737 Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club Grant £200.00
400738 Bracebridge Heath Toddler Group Grant £200.00
400739 St John the Evangelist Church Grant £250.00
400740 St John’s Primary School Fund Grant £200.00
083/2007 - Clerks report on Correspondence received - the Clerk reported receipt of the following items of correspondence;
NKDC – Details of Planning Training
NKDC - Parish Partnership Launch and meeting details
Audit Commission - Appointment of External Auditor
LCC - Lincolnshire Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund
LCC Statement of Community Involvement
Cllr Appleton declared a personal interest in the following item
NKDC Letter from Tewkesbury BC re motion on non receipt of free parcels to British Forces Personnel stationed overseas, Council Members fully supported the motion and would write to the Secretary of State for Defence in support
Cllrs Young and Fletcher declared a personal interest in correspondence from VHMC
VHMC - Correspondence re subsidy for use of Village Hall.
084/2007 - Items for inclusion on the Agenda for the next meeting to be held on 6th June 06 – the situation regarding the
Bracebridge Heath Youth Club and removal of the bus shelter on Grantham Road were requested to be discussed on the Agenda for
the June Council meeting
085/200760/2007 - Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. {As per the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960}- It was proposed and seconded that under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 086/2007 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the
meeting for the consideration of minute no 086/2007 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt
information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act
086/2007 – Correspondence from Langleys Solicitors re Public Open Spaces - Correspondence and advice had been received from Langleys Solicitors re Public Open Spaces and were discussed; the contents of the correspondence were noted.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.