
A page to publish the minutes of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Minutes May 07


Present Cllr P Burley (Chairman)
Cllrs J Ward (Vice-Chairman), WH Rawson MBE, GP Young, G Fletcher, Mrs S Manders, R Clements, Mrs K Storey, C Lowery, A Appleton, M J Spencer & Mrs S Melladay

Three members of the public were present

County Councillor Mrs C Talbot, District Councillors M Gallagher & R Pring and Clerk to Council J E Stanley were in attendance


Police Report – PCSO Duckworth reported on three recorded crimes within the Parish during the preceding month, two instances of criminal damage and one theft, all currently are undetected. Two detached Youth Workers from Branston Community College are
currently working with the PCSO’s in the Village. The PCSO’s are also concentrating on areas of Anti-Social behaviour and under age drinking in the village
County Council – County Councillor Mrs C Talbot opened by congratulating Cllr Burley on his recent election to the District Council and continued that there were two main issues to report on; the Youth Club and County Councillor Mrs Talbot would forward a report on the voluntary Youth Club by email to the Clerk for circulation to the members and the provision of a school crossing patrol is accessed through the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. All other items raised were being progressed.
District Council – District Councillor Gallagher reported that during the last administration the Council had opened on 1st May 2007 a new car park in Sleaford. Recently elected District Councillor Roger Pring introduced himself to the Members and residents present and commented on how he was looking forward to working with the Parish Council over the forthcoming years.


065/2007 - Election of a Chairman of the Council - Cllr P Burley was proposed and seconded as Chairman of Council, there being no further nominations Cllr Burley was duly elected to the Office of Chairman of Council

Vote: Unanimous Resolved: Cllr P Burley be elected Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council

066/2007 - Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office - Cllr Burley signed the Acceptance of the Office of Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council

067/2007 - Vacancies left unfilled at the election by reason of insufficient nominations - Three council seats remained unfilled following the recent election; Mr M Spencer and Mrs S Melladay were proposed and seconded for Co-Option to the Council.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Mr M Spencer & Mrs S Melladay be co-opted as members of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council.

Cllrs Spencer and Mrs Melladay both signed their acceptance of office and took their seats with the Council.

068/2007 - Declarations of acceptance of office which have not been received as provided by law shall be received - All declarations have been received none are outstanding.

070/2007 - Election of a Vice-Chairman of the Council - Cllr J Ward was proposed and seconded as Vice - Chairman of Council, there being no further nominations Cllr Ward was duly elected to the Office of Vice-Chairman of Council

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Cllr J Ward be elected Vice - Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council

071/2007 – Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies The following appointments of representatives to outside bodies were proposed and seconded:-

Organisation 2007/8
Village Hall Management Committee Cllr R Clements
Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club Cllr J Ward
Bracebridge Heath Youth Club Cllr M Spencer
Blacksmiths Football Club Cllr J Ward
Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Assn Cllr Mrs S Melladay
Recreation Ground Committee Cllr G Fletcher
Bracebridge Heath Gala Day Cllr W H Rawson MBE
Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club Cllr J Ward

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Parish Council Representatives to Outside Organisations for the Municipal Year 2007/8 be as follows:

Organisation 2007/8

Village Hall Management Committee Cllr R Clements
Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club Cllr J Ward
Bracebridge Heath Youth Club Cllr M Spencer
Blacksmiths Football Club Cllr J Ward
Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Assn Cllr Mrs S Melladay
Recreation Ground Committee Cllr G Fletcher
Bracebridge Heath Gala Day Cllr W H Rawson MBE
Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club Cllr J Ward

072/2007 – Appointment of Committees and Sub – Committees - The following appointments to Standing Committees were proposed and seconded:-

Finance & General Purposes
Cllr G P Young
Cllr Mrs S Manders
Cllr WH Rawson MBE
Cllr Mrs S Melladay
Cllr G Fletcher
Cllr M Spencer

Planning, Lighting & Roads
Cllr Mrs K Storey
Cllr G Fletcher
Cllr Mrs S Manders
Cllr R Clements
Cllr M Spencer
Cllr A Appleton
Cllr C Lowery

Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces
Cllr WH Rawson MBE
Cllr G Fletcher
Cllr M Spencer
Cllr Mrs K Storey
Cllr R Clements
Cllr A Appleton
Cllr C Lowery
Cllr Mrs S Melladay

Emergency Liaison
Cllr M Spencer
Cllr J Ward
Cllr Mrs S Melladay

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Council Standing Committees for the Municipal Year 2007/2008
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are Ex-Officio members of all committees

073/2007 - Apologies for absence - No apologies for absence were received.

074/2007 - Declarations of interest in items on the agenda – Cllr Burley declared a prejudicial interest in item 13 on the agenda relating to purchase of a roller shutter, Cllr Appleton declared a personal interest in correspondence relating to BFPO mail, Cllrs Young and Fletcher declared personal interest in correspondence from the Village Hall Management Committee, Cllr Ward Declared a personal interest in the report on receipt of a Planning Decision relating to 3 Parkview Court.

075/2007 - Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd April 2007 - Council received the minutes of the meeting held 3rd April 2007; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd April 2007, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman

076/2007 - Clerk’s report on ongoing matters - The Clerk updated the Council on the following matters;,Arenway re litter, NKDC re Section 106 Agreements re Barrett Estate, Bus Shelters, Speed Cameras, Dog Warden and Bowling Green

077/2007 - Correspondence from a resident re the state of the Village pubs – Correspondence from a resident had been received by the Chairman regarding the state of the Public Houses within the Village, the problems were discussed at length and it was proposed and seconded that all business premises within the Parish be written to requesting their premises be maintained and the surrounding areas be kept free of litter.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Correspondence be sent to business premises located in the Village requesting the properties be maintained and the surrounding area kept free of litter.
Cllr Burley declared a prejudicial interest and left the room, Cllr Ward took the Chair.

078/2007 - Purchase of a roller shutter for the pavilion door – Concerns have been raised regarding continuing damage to Pavilion in particular the doors, a quotation from Ermine Engineering has been provided for the supply and installation of a roller shutter to protect the door area. It was proposed and seconded that the quotation be accepted and the shutter purchased.

Vote; Unanimous
Resolved; A roller shutter be purchased from Ermine Engineering to secure the pavilion door.

Cllr Burley returned to the room

079/2007 - Report on Planning Applications and Decisions received. – Cllr Mrs S Manders reported that the following Planning Applications and Decisions had been received:
Planning Applications Received 1st Apr 07 – 30th Apr 07.
07-0390 - Erection of single storey rear extension - 31 Churchill Avenue
07/0415 - Erection of two storey side and rear extension and single storey rear extension - 97 Grantham Rd
07/0434 - New single storey conservatory - 41 Sleaford Road
07/0352 - Erection of 1.m fence and gates - 31 Redhall Lane
Planning Decisions Received 1st Apr 07 – 30th Apr 07
0167/07 - Change of use to A5 Hot food take away - 16 Grantham Road
0163/07 - Erection of single storey rear extension and front porch - 37 Lichfield Rd
0241/07 - Erection of dwelling - Plot adj to 19 Johnson Drive
Cllr J Ward declared a personal interest in application 0184/07
0184/07 - Proposed conservatory - 3 Parkview Court
0144/07 - Proposed conservatory - 21 Red Hall Drive
0077/07 - Erection of gates - 82 Sycamore Grove
0015/07 - Erection of detached dwelling - 33 London Road
0289/07 - Erection of rear conservatory - 18 Sycamore Grove
0250/07 - Two storey side extension and rear conservatory - 50 Jenson Road
1397/06 - Illuminated fascia sign - 32a Grantham Road

080/2007 - Report from Recreation Ground Committee – Cllr Ward gave a report on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 23rd April 2007, the matters discussed were noted and accepted by Council. Concerns were raised regarding damage to doors caused by a recent hirer. The hirer had been billed for the damage but had yet to settle the bill, it was proposed and seconded that the Clerk would write to the hirer with a final demand for payment, if the amount is not settle Council would consider pursuing the matter via the County Court.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The Clerk to issue a final demand for payment in respect of damage to the Pavilion

081/2007 - Clerks report of payments made between meetings – the Clerk reported that the following payments were made between meetings for accounts to the 30th April 2007.

400727 Parish Dog Warden Services April Account £215.76
400728 NKDC Pavilion Rates £120.35
400729 British Gas Pavilion Account £314.50
400730 Langleys Solicitors Professional Fees £943.53
400731 Powergen Street Lighting Account £771.72
400732 Bracebridge Heath Village Hall Room Hire £37.50
400733/4 Salaries, Allowances Handyman & Reimbursement £656.47

082/2007 - Clerks report on payments of grants to village organisations made on 1/5/07 – the Clerk reported that the following payments were made on 1st May 2007 in accordance with Minute no 01/2007

Chq No Payee Reason Amount
400735 Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Association Grant £200.00
400736 Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club Grant £200.00
400737 Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club Grant £200.00
400738 Bracebridge Heath Toddler Group Grant £200.00
400739 St John the Evangelist Church Grant £250.00
400740 St John’s Primary School Fund Grant £200.00

083/2007 - Clerks report on Correspondence received - the Clerk reported receipt of the following items of correspondence;
NKDC – Details of Planning Training
NKDC - Parish Partnership Launch and meeting details
Audit Commission - Appointment of External Auditor
LCC - Lincolnshire Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund
LCC Statement of Community Involvement
Cllr Appleton declared a personal interest in the following item
NKDC Letter from Tewkesbury BC re motion on non receipt of free parcels to British Forces Personnel stationed overseas, Council Members fully supported the motion and would write to the Secretary of State for Defence in support
Cllrs Young and Fletcher declared a personal interest in correspondence from VHMC
VHMC - Correspondence re subsidy for use of Village Hall.

084/2007 - Items for inclusion on the Agenda for the next meeting to be held on 6th June 06 – the situation regarding the
Bracebridge Heath Youth Club and removal of the bus shelter on Grantham Road were requested to be discussed on the Agenda for
the June Council meeting

085/200760/2007 - Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. {As per the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960}- It was proposed and seconded that under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 086/2007 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the
meeting for the consideration of minute no 086/2007 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt
information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act

086/2007 – Correspondence from Langleys Solicitors re Public Open Spaces - Correspondence and advice had been received from Langleys Solicitors re Public Open Spaces and were discussed; the contents of the correspondence were noted.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.


Minutes April 07

Minutes of a meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd April 2007 in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall at 7.15pm

Present Cllr P Burley (Chairman)
Cllrs J Ward, Mrs M Burton, R Clements, Mrs S Manders, Mrs K Storey, WH Rawson MBE & G Fletcher
County Councillor Mrs C Talbot & Mr J E Stanley - Clerk to Council were in attendance
Three members of the public were present
Public Session
County Council

County Councillor Mrs Talbot gave the Council a report on the investigations held regarding Bracebridge Heath Youth Club, the Youth Club was established as a voluntary Youth Club and as such does not fall under the jurisdiction of the County Council. The Youth Club had received funding from the Community Council of Lincoln based in Sleaford and not Lincolnshire County Council. County Councillor Mrs Talbot also reported that Malcolm Ryan, Head of Youth Service has confirmed that the detached youth work in the area will continue to be supported and that Mr Ryan has offered to meet with the Parish Council to discuss options regarding the formation of a County Council supported Youth Club in the village.
Lincoln Eastern Bypass - a paper had been circulated regarding the possible investigation of alternative routes for the proposed Lincoln Eastern Bypass, the route may be reviewed to consider potential future development with further period of public consultation in due course.

The following items were raised by Council and the residents present. Will a replacement school crossing patrol be recruited? This would be for the school to deal with. Would it be possible for railings to be placed outside the school to improve safety?. This has been raised before and was not feasible however will be raised again. The village signs on Grantham Road have been knocked over, can these be replaced? This will be passed to the relevant officer for attention. Can anything be done to the junction in Waddington to make the junction safer? This will be raised with the Highways officer for investigation.

There being no further questions County Councillor Mrs Talbot was thanked for her report.

Residents raised the following points for the Council's attention; The Bowls Club have arranged a site meeting with NKDC at the Recreation Ground on 11th April 2007 regarding the proposed pavilion. The litter bin on Grantham Road has no basket, can this be replaced? John Bull Inn- is the proposed refurbishment to take place and can the landlords be requested to tidy up the outside of the building? A resident requested the Council continue the practice of the locking of the recreation ground gates which has been beneficial to the residents in the vicinity of the ground.

Council Session
43/2007 - Apologies for Absence - Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs M Spencer, Mrs B Young & GP Young
44/2007 Declaration of interest in items on the Agenda - No declarations of interest were made.
45/2007 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th March 2007 - Council received the minutes of the meeting held 6th March 2007; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman
Vote: Unanimous
The minutes of the meeting held on 6th March 2007, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.

46/2007- Clerks Report on ongoing matters - The Clerk updated the Council on the following matters, Youth Club, Arenway re litter, NKDC re Section 106 Agreements re Barret Estate, Bus Shelters, Speed Cameras and Bowling Green.

47/2007 - Review of the litter picking event held on 31st March 2007 - the litter picking event held on 31st March had been successful with 18 residents contributing and around 60 bags being collected. The residents attending suggested they would support the event being held on a more frequent basis.

48/2007 - Review of the Dog Warden Service - the effectiveness of the dog warden service was discussed, it was resolved that the Dog Warden be invited to meet the new Council to enable the expectations of the service to be discussed

49/2007 - The Proposed Lincoln Eastern Bypass - the matter regarding the proposed Eastern Bypass had been covered during County Councillor Mrs Talbot’s report and no further matters were discussed.

50/207 - Proposed changes to the Model Code of Conduct – the report from NKDC regarding proposed changes to the
model code of conduct had been circulated prior to the previous meeting, the contents had been noted and further information would be circulated when received.

51/2007 - Review of the locking of the Recreation Ground Pedestrian Gate - the agreed period of locking of the pedestrian gate is due for review, it was proposed and seconded that the locking of the gate be extended for a further six month period.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved.. That the locking of the gate at the Recreation Ground be continued for a further six month period.

52/2007 - Report from the Planning Lighting & Roads Committee meeting held 3rd April 2007 - Cllr Mrs Manders gave a report on the meeting of the Committee held on 3rd April 2007 prior to the Full Council meeting the recommendations made at that meeting were accepted and made resolutions of full Council.
Planning applications received - 6th March to 31st March 2007
07/0252 - Change of use of barn to children’s nursery - Lodge Farm Barn, Canwick Avenue
07/0241 - Erection of dwelling; land adj to 19 Johnson Drive
0 7/0250 -Two storey side extension and rear conservatory - 50 Jenson Road
07/0289 - Erection of rear conservatory - 18 Sycamore Grove
Planning decisions received - 6th March to 31st March 2007 07/0078 Formation of new vehicular access - 17 Grantham Road
07/0058 - Erection of a pair of semi-detached single storey dwellings for affordable housing, land adjacent to 2 Beech Close 0 07/0009 - Erection of a rear conservatory - 12 Bath Road
0 710004 -Erection of a single storey rear extension - 41 Sleaford Road

53/2007 - Report from the Playing Fields Allotments & Open Spaces Committee meeting - Cllr Fletcher gave a report on the meeting of the Committee held on 20th March 2007; the recommendations made therein were accepted and made resolutions of Full Council.

54/2007 - Report from the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee - Cllr Ward gave a report on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 28th March 2007, the matters discussed were noted and accepted by Council Concerns were raised regarding damage to doors caused by a recent hirer. The hirer had been billed for the damage but had yet to settle the bill Council would write to the hirer concerned if the Recreation Ground were unable to resolve the matter.

55/2007 - Report on payments made between meetings for accounts to 31st March 2007 - the Clerk reported that the following accounts had been paid on 31st March 2007:

400715 Parish Dog Warden Services March Account £242.50
400716 Mohawk Security Feb & March Account £693.25
400717 NKDC Emptying of Dog Waste Bins £1,400.00
400718 Viking Direct Stationery £14.53
400719 ESPO Equipment - Litter Pick £91.15
400720 HMRC Deductions Quarter Four £581.96
400721-4 Salaries, Allowances Handyman & Reimbursement £775.06

56/2007 - Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 6th April 2007 -The Clerk to Council presented the accounts for payment and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget. It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved.. That payment of the accounts to 6th April 2007 be approved by Council

400725 NKDC Pavilion Rates - 1st Payment £234.00
400726 CPRE BKV Entry £20.00
400727 LALC Subscriptions £675.00

57/2007 - Clerks report on items of correspondence received to 31st March 2007 – The Clerk reported the following Correspondence had been received.

EMDA EMDA New magazine
Community Council Rural Links magazine
NKLSP Community Partnerships Event - 20/4107
NKDC Community Service Awards
NKDC Details of Parish Partnerships Initiative
EMRAF The East Midlands Rural Action Plan

Councillor Burley gave a brief report on the meeting of the Parish Partnership Initiative, which had been recently held at NKDC.

58/2007 - To set a date for the Annual Council Meeting 2007 - It was proposed and seconded that the Annual Council Meeting be held on 8th May 2007.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved. That Annual Council Meeting be held on 8th May 2007.

59/2007 - Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting - No items were requested to be placed on the Agenda for the meeting of Council.

60/2007 - Items of a confidential nature to be discussed in the absence of the press and public (As per the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960)- It was proposed and seconded that under Section I00(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 61/07, 62/07, 63/07 & 64/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That under Section I00(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 61/07, 62/07, 63/07 & 64/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

61/2007 - Underground Electricity Wayleave - Central Networks have requested permission to install an underground electricity cable on Redhall Lane, the documentation had been verified as being acceptable by Langleys Solicitors on behalf of the Council it was therefore proposed and seconded that the documents be signed on behalf of the Council and permission granted.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved. Permission is granted to Central Networks to install an underground cable on Redhall Lane.

62/2007 ~ Correspondence from Langleys Solicitors re Public Open Spaces- Correspondence and advice had been received from Langleys Solicitors re Pubic Open Spaces and were discussed, the contents of the correspondence were noted.

63/2007 – Lincolnshire Playing Fields Association - Correspondence had been received from Lincolnshire Playing Fields Association asking Council to consider making a donation. It was proposed and seconded that a donation of £50 be made.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved. A donation of £50 is made to the Lincoln Playing Fields Association.

64/2007 - Grass Cutting & Maintenance Contract for 2007 - Further to the meeting of the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Meeting a further quotation had been received from Veolia Environmental Services for maintenance work at the Recreation Ground and Play Area. It was proposed and seconded that the contract for grounds maintenance for 2007 be awarded to Veolia.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved.. The contract for grounds maintenance for 2007 is awarded to Veolia.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Minutes March 07

Minutes of a meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th March 2007 in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall at 8.15pm following the Annual Parish Meeting.

Present: Cllr P Burley (Chairman)
Cllrs J Ward, WH Rawson MBE, M Spencer, Mrs K Storey, Mrs S Manders, G Fletcher, R Clements, Mrs B Young and GP Young

The Clerk, J E Stanley, was in attendance.

All items had been covered during the Annual Parish Meeting, no further points were raised.
032/2007 - Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs M Burton County Councillor Mrs C Talbot and District Councillors
Gallagher & Mrs Hubbard.

033/2007 - Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda
No declarations of interest were made

034/2007 - To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th February 2007
Council received the minutes of the meeting held 6th February 2007; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 6th February 2007, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman

035/2007 - Clerks Report on ongoing matters
The Clerk updated the Council on the following matters:
Youth Club County Council investigation in ongoing, email sent to County Councillor Mrs Talbot for update.
Arenway Correspondence sent to Arenway via Wentworth Anderson, holding reply received pending the matters being looked into - Ongoing
Section 106 Monies Further quotations are awaited from potential suppliers for the schemes identified - ongoing
Bus Shelters Correspondence sent to Highways to identify ownership of land on St Johns Road
Hedging Correspondence sent to residents re overgrown hedging
NKDC Update received re Section 106, Barrett Estate
NKDC Meeting documents received re St John's Development, passed to Cllr Mrs Manders
Bowling Green Request for maintenance sent to Inbowls

036/2007 - Recent decisions of Standards Board for Eng1and
The recent decisions of the Standards Board for England in regard to complaints made against Council members were discussed and noted.

037/2007 - Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 29th February 2007
The Clerk to Council presented the accounts for payment and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget.
It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That payment of the accounts to 28h February 2007 be approved by Council

400706 Parish Dog Warden Services February Account £227.50
400707 Stonebow Home Imp Pavilion Repairs £180.00
400708 Bracebridge Heath Village Hall Room Hire -Feb 2007 £22.50
400709 Church Commissioners Allotments Rent £441.13
400710 Powergen Pavilion Charges £188.42
400711 SLCC Subscriptions £105.00
400712 ABB Street Lighting Maintenance £723.78
400713/4 Salaries, Allowances £676.49

038/2007 Clerks report on items of correspondence received to 28th February 2007 The Clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:
Lincs Police Details of compliance check re licensing laws
NKDC Update re Section 106, Sleaford Road
Longhurst Homes Offer of meeting re Affordable Housing
NKDC Information re phasing of development at St Johns Hospital

039/2007 - Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting to be held on 3rd April 2007
The following items were requested to be placed on the agenda for the meeting to be held on 3rd April; date of the May meeting, Lincoln Eastern Bypass and the proposed changed to the code of conduct.

040/2007 - Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. {As per the Bodies admission to Meeting Act) 1960}

It was proposed and seconded that under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 41/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 41107 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

041/2007 - Correspondence from Langley’s Solicitors re Public Open Spaces

Correspondence and advice had been received from Langley’s Solicitors re Public Open Spaces and were discussed; the contents of the correspondence were noted.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Minutes February 2007

Minutes of a meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall on Tuesday 6th February 2007 at 7.15pm

Present: Cllr PR Burley (Chairman)
Cllrs J Ward, WH Rawson MBE, Mrs S Manders, Mrs B Young, GP Young, M Spencer, R Clements & G Fletcher

District Councillors M Gallagher, Mrs R Hubbard & Clerk to Council, JE Stanley, were also in attendance
Police Report - PC Gordon reported that 13 crimes had been reported in the Parish between meetings and 5 arrests had been made. Offences include; assault, drink driving, public order offence, damage to motor vehicle, theft from motor vehicle and burglary. The Police are currently working with residents of Red Hall Drive in an attempt to tackle the problems currently experienced by the residents.

District Council - District Councillor Gallagher reported that planning application has been submitted for Heath Fish Bar, however the current status of the application is invalid. The Clerk had received correspondence and a copy of a deed of covenant relating to land to the rear of Sleaford Road cottages; this land has an access off it and could not be used as additional car parking. Planning Applications have been submitted for land adjacent to 29 Broadway and in Clover Road for development on the disposed of open space. District Councillor Gallagher was asked of any plans to provide additional recreation space in Bracebridge Heath, there are currently no plans, the priority is affordable housing. Members expressed their feelings regarding the disposal of this land which had been provided as amenity space for the use of the children of the village for a number of years. District Councillor Gallagher was asked for an update on the development of the former St John's Hospital site further to a meeting held on 30th January 2007, also will the timetable for development be a public document and why is the information regarding disposal of asbestos not published. District Councillor Gallagher advised that initially some new build properties will be constructed alongside the renovation of the existing building, District Councillor Gallagher would enquire to see if the requested documents can be released to the Parish Council.

Parking on Davy's Lane - a resident asked if the tenant car park on Davy's Lane could also be used by private residents as currently only 1 council tenant uses the car park; District Councillor Gallagher suggested that the Council write to NKDC to request the car park be made available to all residents.
Davy's Lane - a resident of Davy's Lane asked the Council if any trees or shrubs were available to be planted in Davy's Lane to prevent a shortcut being used; Councillor Burley would request some shrubs later m the year when they become available.
Bowling Green - Members of the bowls club reported that the rink markers had come loose; the Clerk would contact Inbowls to arrange the necessary maintenance.
Cllr WH Rawson declared a personal interest as a life member of the Day Centre in the following matter
Village Hall heating - problems had been experienced with the Village Hall heating and hot water system; Gasforce attended the site and carried out the required repairs, the hall had been closed for a period of time which had inconvenienced some users groups. Cllr Young reported that the heating will remain switched on permanently until April 2007.

018/2007 - Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs Storey

019/2007 - Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda
Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Planning Decision relating to Perry Court.
Cllr Mrs S Manders declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Planning Application for 13 Lancia Crescent.
Cllr Burley declared a Prejudicial Interest in the payment of the accounts to Ermine Engineering.
Cllr Ward declared a Personal Interest in the payment of the account for Ermine Engineering.
Cllr Young declared a Personal Interest in the payment of the account for J Harkness.

020/2007 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd January 2007
Council received the minutes of the meeting held 2nd January 2007; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd January 2007, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman
021/2007 - Clerks Report on ongoing matters
The Clerk updated theCouncil on the following matters:
Youth Club County Council investigation in ongoing
Highways Report received from LCC Highways on the matters raised - circulated
Arenway Correspondence sent to Arenway via Wentworth Anderson, holding reply received pending the matters being looked into - Ongoing
Section 106 Monies Further quotations are awaited from potential suppliers for the schemes identified - ongoing
Bus Shelters Correspondence sent to Highways to identify ownership of land on St Johns Road
NKDC Disposal of Open Space in Bracebridge Heath will be discussed by the Executive Committee on 18th January 2006 - See Agenda Item
NKDC No date as yet set for re-scheduled Training Session. NKDC have informed the Council that they will not re-schedule the training session despite numerous requests until after the new code is launched.
Hedge Correspondence sent to residents re overgrown hedge.

024/2007 - Review of the NKDC Executive decision made on 18th January 2007 re disposal of Open Space
Members reviewed the decision of NKDC Executive Committee regarding disposal of Open Space within the Parish. Members aired their feelings regarding the decision and the lack of consultation and consideration on the matter. It was proposed and seconded that legal advice is sought with a view to further objections being made to prevent the disposal of this valuable amenity space. Vote Unanimous. It was noted that Planning Applications for the two sites had been submitted and received by NKDC prior to the formal decision being made to dispose of the land.

022/2007 - Review walking of Public Footpaths
Members reported that that all public footpaths situated math the Parish boundary are regularly walked.

022/2007 - Setting of a date for litter picking event
It was proposed and seconded that the annual litter picking event be scheduled for Saturday 31st March 2007.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The annual litter-picking event be scheduled for Saturday 31st March 2007

023/2007 - Review the Co-option of new member to Council
The Clerk reported to Council that only one enquiry had been received regarding the vacancy on the Council from a resident who had not lived in the Parish for a sufficient period of time, in view of the forthcoming elections no further advertisement would be made.
025/2007 - Report from the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee
Cllr Mrs S Manders reported on the meeting of the Committee held prior to the Full Council Meeting the following applications and decisions had been received:
Planning Applications Received:
06/1504 Erection of two storey side /rear extension - 23 Lichfield Road
06/1560 Extension to rear of dwelling - 15 Bath Road
07/009 Proposed conservatory - 12 Bath Road
Erection of two pairs of semi-detached dwellings for affordable
07/0059 housing - Land adj to 29 Broadway
Erection of a pair of semi-detached single storey dwellings for
07/0058 affordable housing land at Clover Road
07/0015 Erection of a detached dwelling - 33 London Road
07/0078 Formation of new vehicular access - 17 Grantham Road

Cllr Mrs Manders declared a Prejudicial Interest and left the meeting,
Cllr Spencer reported on the following Planning Application:
07/0061 Erection of first floor & single storey extension to side and front elevation - 13 Lancia Crescent

Cllr Mrs Manders returned to the meeting
Planning Decisions Received:
06/1636 Erection affront porch /conservatory - 16 Salisbury Drive
06/1345 Two storey side extension - 10 Sycamore Grove

Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting

06/1466 Erection of single storey rear extension - 2 Perry Court

Cllr Rawson returned to the meeting

06/1449 Erection of single storey side extension - 6 The Link

It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolutions of Full Council - Vote Unanimous

026/2007 - Report from the Recreation Ground Committee
Cllr Ward reported on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 8th January 2007, the following matters had been discussed: CCTV, damage to goalposts, replacements will be required, finances are currently in a healthy state, Youth Club are currently still paying for hire of the Pavilion, Bowls Club have been awarded an Awards for All Grant to assist with their activities and there continues to be problems with dog waste on the ground, a ban on dogs is being considered and the situation continues to be monitored.
Cllr Burley reported on correspondence received from the Bowls Club as a user group of the Recreation Ground requested approval for a move of the perimeter fence surrounding the green to accommodate a shelter It was proposed and seconded that the request be approved and the Bowls Club supported in their development. Vote - Unanimous
Cllr Rawson as Council representative to the Gala Day, also a user group of the Recreation Ground, reported on the recent meeting of the Gala Day Committee at which it had reluctantly been agreed that due to lack of additional volunteers the Gala Day would be mothballed and no Gala Day would be held in 2007. A further meeting would be held in September 2007 to consider future galas. Mr Alan Clark was thanked on behalf of the village for all his hard work as Secretary of the Gala Day Committee.

Cllr Burley declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Payments of Account to Ermine Engineering and left the meeting, Cllr Ward took the Chair. Cllrs Ward and Young declared Personal Interests in the payments of accounts to Ermine Engineering and J Harkness respectively.

027/2007 - Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 31st January 2007
The Clerk to Council presented the accounts for payment and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget. It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That payment of the accounts to 31st January 2007 be approved by Council
400692 Parish Dog Warden Services January Account £227.50
400693 Langleys Solicitors Land Registry Fees £40.00
400694 Bracebridge Heath Village Hall Room Hire -Dec / Jan £21.00
400695 Anglian Water Water Charges - Pavilion £143,25
400696 Powergen Street Lighting Electricity Charges £780.31
400697 ESPO Cleaning Materials - Pavilion £112.60
400698 British Gas Gas Charges - Pavilion £139.94
400699 Anglian Water Water Charges - Allotments £44.74
400700 Mohawk Security Recreation Ground - Dec & Jan £763.75
400701 Ermine Engineering Co Recreation Ground - Repairs to Gate £264.38
400702 J Harkness Village Hall Repairs £254.49
400703 Jackson Building Centres Equipment - Cleaner £35.00
400704/5 Salaries, Allowances & Reimbursement £654.58

Cllr Burley returned to the meeting

028/2007 - Clerk report on items of correspondence received to 31st January 2007
The Clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:
WLDC West Lindsey Local Development Scheme - First Revision
FWAG Lincolnshire FWAG Mailing January 2007
Bowls Club Letter re moving of perimeter fence
Hodgson Elkington Update re Doctors Surgery
LCC Highways - Greater Lincoln & Gains borough Division Proposed Works Programme
NKDC Implications of decision of Mr Justice Collins in the Livingstone Case (previously circulated)
NKDC Statement of Community Involvement
NKDC North Kesteven Local Plan - Proposed Modifications - to be discussed at Planning Committee
North Hykeham TC Minutes of the meeting re Section 106 agreements
WLDC Statement of Community Involvement

029/2007 - Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next mecting to be held on 6th March 2007
No items were requested for the Agenda for the next Council meeting to be held on 6th March 2007

030/2007 - Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. {As per the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960}
It was proposed and seconded that under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 31/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 31/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

031/2007 - Correspondence from Langleys Solicitors re Redhall Lane
Correspondence from Langley’s Solicitors regarding Redhall had been circulated prior to the meeting, the contents were discussed and noted; it was proposed and seconded that further advice be taken from Langley’s regarding the contents of the letter. The Clerk would arrange a meeting with Peter Homer to discuss.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meting closed at 9.15pm

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Minutes January 2007

Minutes of a meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall on Tuesday 2nd January 2007
Present: Cllr P Burley (Chairman)
Cllrs J Ward, WH Rawson MBE, G Fletcher, Mrs S Manders, Mrs M Burton, M Spencer, R Clements, Mrs K Storey, Mrs B Young & G P Young.

District Councillor M Gallagher & Clerk to Council Mr J E Stanley were in attendance.
Cllr Spencer commenced the meeting sitting in the Public Area
District Council - District Councillor Gallagher reported that he had spoken to Mrs Barlow, Open Spaces Officer, there are ongoing problems with Barrett Homes and the enforcement of the Section 106 agreement, it was suggested that the Clerk write to Mr Bishop at NKDC for a further update. The planning Application for Heath Fish bar has been received but is invalid.
A resident thanked NKDC for the work trimming the shrubbery on Davy's Lane and asked if the small piece of land belonging to NKDC behind the cottages on Sleaford Road could be turned into parking space to alleviate the problems with parking at the junction of Davy's Lane and Sleaford Road. District Councillor Gallagher would look at the land in question to consider alternative uses for the land in particular alternative housing.

District Councillor Mrs Hubbard had no further matters to report.

It was reported that hedging in the following locations was growing over the highway; Redhall Lane, Norwich Close and The Crescent and The Close. The Clerk would write to the residents concerned requesting that action be taken to trim their hedging,

Councillor Spencer joined the Council for the Council Session


001/2007 - Apologies for Absence

No apologies for absence were received

002/2007 - Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda

Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a prejudicial interest in the planning application for 2 Perry Court as a resident of Churchill Avenue and Personal Interests in the Grant Application from the Gala Day Committee and payment date of successful grants to Village Organisations being the Council representative to the Gala Day Committee and Chairman of that Committee.
Cllr Spencer declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Planning Application for the Plot on Davy's Lane as a resident of Davy's Lane and a Personal Interest in the Grant Application from the Gala Day Committee and date of payment of the grant being a member of that Committee
Cllr Mrs Storey declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Planning Application relating to 16 Salisbury Drive as a resident of Salisbury Drive.
Cllr Burley declared a Personal Interest in all matters relating to the Recreation Ground being a member of the Recreation Ground Committee.

Cllr Young declared a Personal Interest in the Grant Application from the Gala Day Committee and date of payment of the grant being a member of that Committee.

Cllr Mrs Burton declared a Personal Interest in the Grant Application from the Allotment Holders Association and date of payment of the grant being a member of that Committee as Council representative.
Cllr Mrs Manders declared a Personal Interest in the Grant Application from St John's School and date of payment of the grant being Chair of Governors at the School

003/2007 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th December 2006

Council received the minutes of the Meeting held on 5th December 2006; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 5th December 2006, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman

004/2007 - Clerks Report on ongoing matters

The Clerk updated Council on the following matters: -
Youth Club County Council investigation in ongoing
Highways Report received from LCC Highways on the matters raised - circulated
Arenway Correspondence sent to Arenway via Wentworth Anderson, holding reply received pending the matters being looked into - Ongoing
Section 106 Monies Further quotations are awaited from potential suppliers for the schemes identified - ongoing
Bus Shelters Correspondence sent to Highways to identify ownership of land on St Johns Road
NKDC Disposal of Open Space in Bracebridge Heath will be discussed by the Executive Committee on 18th January 2007
NKDC No date as yet set for re-scheduled Training Session

05/2007 - Report from the meeting of the Planning, Lighting & Roads Committee held on I8th December 2006

Cllr Mrs Manders gave a report on the meeting of the Committee held on 18th December 2006, the following applications and decisions had been received:

Cllrs WH Rawson MBE, Mrs K Storey and M Spencer declared Prejudicial Interests and left the meeting
0611636 - erection of front porch/conservatory - 16 Salisbury Drive - amended plans
0611466 Erection of single storey rear extension - 2 Perry Court
0611449 Erection of single storey side extension - 6 The Link

0611430 Erection of bungalow - Plot adj Heathcoate, Davy's Lane (revised application with variation of plot position and enlargement
Cllrs Rawson, Storey & Spencer returned to the meeting
It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolutions of Full Council - Vote Unanimous

006/2007 - Report from the meeting of the Playing Fields. Allotments & Open Spaces Committee held on 18th December 2006

Cllr Fletcher gave a report on the meeting of the Playing Fields, Allotments & Open Spaces Committee held on 18thDecember 2006 -
It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolutions of Full Council - Vote

007/207 - Report from the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee

No meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee had been held

Cllrs Rawson, Mrs Burton, Mrs Manders, Spencer & Young declared Personal Interests in the following item

008/2007 - Report from Finance & General Purposes Committee on Grant Applications received from Village Organisations for the financial year 200718 and discussed at the Committee meeting held on 18th December 2006.

Cllr Young gave a report on the Grant Applications discussed at the meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 18th December 2006, applications were received from the organisations listed and awards were made as follows;

a) Bracebridge Heath Gala Day Conditional Grant of £800 awarded
b) Bracebridge Heath Allotment Holders Association Grant of £200 awarded
c) Bracebridge Heath Bowls Club Grant of £200 awarded
d) Bracebridge Heath Cricket Club Grant of £200 awarded
e) Bracebridge Heath Pre-School No Grant awarded on this occasion
f) Bracebridge Heath Toddler Group Grant of £200 awarded
g) St John the Evangelist Church Grant of £250 awarded
h) St John's Primary School Grant of £200 awarded

It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolutions of
Full Council - Vote Unanimous

009/2007 - Report from the meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 18th December 2006.

Cllr Young gave a report on the meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 18' December 2006 - It was proposed and seconded that the report be accepted and the recommendations therein be made resolutions of Full Council - Vote Unanimous

Cllrs Rawson, Mrs Burton, Mrs Manders, Spencer & Young declared Personal Interests in the following item

010/2007 - Date of payment of Parish Council grants to successful village organisations for the financial year 2007/8.

It was proposed and seconded that the Grants to Village Organisations be paid on 1st May 2007.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: Grants to Village Organisations be paid on 1st May 2007.
The Clerk advised Members that the payments would be made on 1st May 2007 unless the award of the grants had been annulled by Council Resolution in accordance with Standing Orders

It was further proposed and seconded that an amendment be made to Standing Orders to establish a firm date for future grant payments.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That an amendment be made to Standing Orders to establish a firm date for future grant payments.

011/2007 - Parish Council Precept request for the financial year 2007/8

Following the recommendations of the Finance & General Purposes Committee, It was proposed and seconded that the Parish Council
Precept request for 2007/8 be set at £54,000.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved That the Parish Council Precept request for 2007/8 be set at £54,000.

012/2007 - Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 31st December 2006

The Clerk to Council presented the accounts for payment and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget. It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts.
Vote - Unanimous
Resolved - That payment of the accounts to 3 1st December 2006 be approved by Council.

400681 Parish Dog Warden Services December Account £175.00
400682 NKDC Pavilion Rates - Jan Payment £227.00
400683 Bracebridge Heath Village Hall Room Hire - Nov/Dec £30.00
400684 Lincsgreen Rolling - Reek Ground £146.88
400685 ABB Street Lighting Maint - Dec Qtr £723.78
400686 RMCE - Inland Revenue Income Tax & NIC £579.66
400687 Viking Direct Stationery, Printer Inks & Storage £110.95
400688 St John the Evangelist Church Information Sheet Distribution £275.00
400689/70 Salaries, Allowances & Reimbursement £710.02

013/2007 - Clerks report on items of correspondence received to 31st December 2006

The Clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:
CCL Winter 2006 Magazine
NKDC Planning Gain Supplement
NKDC Annual Monitoring Report & Local Dev Scheme
EMRA Draft East Midlands Regional Plan Part 2
LCC Fire & Rescue Integrated Risk Management Plan

014/2007 - Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting to be held on 6th February 2007

The following items were requested to be placed on the Agenda for the February Council meeting; Report from meeting of the Gala Day Committee, Walking of Public Footpaths, Consideration of a date for Litter Picking event,

015/2007 - Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. As per the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960

It was proposed and seconded that under Section I00 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 16/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 16/07 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

016/2007 - Correspondence from Moore Stephens

Correspondence from Moore Stephens was reviewed and the concerns noted it was resolved that any requests for information would be dealt with if received and information released once that information was in the Public domain.

There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.15pm

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Minutes December 06

Minutes of the meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall on Tuesday 5th December 2006 at 7. 15 pm

Present: Chairman Cllr P Burley
Cllrs Mrs S Manders, WH Rawson MBE, M Spencer, G Fletcher, GP Young, Mrs K Storey

County Councillor Mrs C Talbot, District Councillor M Gallagher and the Clerk to Council Mr J E Stanley were also in attendance. One member of the public was present


County Council
County Councillor Mrs C Talbot advised the Council that a copy of the constitution of Bracebridge Heath Youth Club had been received and investigations were ongoing. The Executive of the County Council had recently discussed the preferred route for the Lincoln Southern Bypass; the Committee had selected option c as the preferred route.
There being no questions Cllr Mrs Talbot was thanked for her report.

Police Matters
PC Gordon, recently appointed Community Beat Manager, introduced himself to the meeting and reported on 15 recorded offences in the Parish since the last meeting. Offences reported included; damage, burglary, thefts, damage to motor vehicle, driving offence and two assaults. Arrests have been made for both reported assaults.
PC Gordon was asked to investigate problems with vehicles illegally parked on Red Hall Drive; the problems would be investigated as requested.

District Council
District Councillor Gallagher reported on the following matters relating to District Council activities; District Councillor Heppell a member for a ward in Sleaford had recently passed away, District Councillor Mrs Flint has been appointed to the Standards Board for England, planning applications can now be tracked on-line, the planning application for Heath Fish Bar has been received and finally 1100 residents have been invited to join the Council Citizen Panel however some of the invites have been sent to people residing in Lincoln outside of the NKDC area.
District Councillor Gallagher was asked which officer was responsible for ensuring Section 106 agreements are adhered to as the Council are currently experiencing problems with the Section 106 re Stane Drive. District Councillor Gallagher would ask Mr Bishop to investigate the current problems.
There being no further questions District Councillor Gallagher was thanked for his report.

Cllr Mrs Manders advised the meeting of the result of the recent Ofsted inspection at St John's Primary School the School had received a report of good with outstanding features of which everyone associated with the school was to be congratulated.


159/06: Apologies for Absence
Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Clements & Cllr Mrs Young

160/06: Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda
Cllr Mrs K Storey declared a Prejudicial Interest in the Planning Application for 16 Salisbury Drive being a resident of Salisbury Drive and a Personal Interest re St John's Primary School as a parent of a pupil of the school.
Cllr Mrs S Manders declared a Personal Interest re St John's Primary School as Chair of Governors of the School and a Personal Interest in Correspondence received re Grange Road
Cllr Fletcher declared a Personal Interest in Correspondence received re Grange Road as a resident of Grange Road.

161/06: Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th November 2006
Council received the minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2006; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.
Vote: Unanimous
Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2006, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman

Mr & Mrs Clark were thanked for their assistance with the refreshments on Remembrance Sunday, the Clerk was asked to write to Lincolnshire Police thanking them for their attendance

162/06: Clerks Report on ongoing matters
The Clerk updated Council on the following matters:
· Highways - Email has been sent to Mike Rizan, LCC Highways to query all previously raised Highways Matters - no further correspondence to date received.

· Litter - Correspondence sent to local business re problems with litter

· Arenway - Correspondence sent to Arenway via Wentworth Anderson, holding reply received pending the matters being looked into - Ongoing

· Youth Club - Copy constitution forwarded to County Councillor Mrs Talbot

· Speed Cameras - Request sent to acquire more information re Parish Link Scheme

· Section 106 Monies - Further quotations are awaited from potential suppliers for the schemes identified

Cllrs Mrs Storey & Mrs Manders declared Personal Interests in the following item

163/06: The availability of pupil places at St Johns Primary School
Cllr Mrs Manders gave an update on the current situation regarding places at St John's School; the school is currently at capacity and liable to become oversubscribed with the forthcoming Arenway development. No further action can be taken at present but the situation will need to be monitored.

164/06: Provision and requirements of bus shelters on Grantham Road
Members discussed the current requirements of bus shelters on Grantham Road adjacent to the development at Viking Court; the shelter directly by Viking Court is no longer used and in a poor state of repair. The Clerk was asked to enquire as the ownership of the land in St John's Road adjacent to Viking Court with a view to provision of a shelter at that stop.

165/06: Disposal of Open Space Land in Bracebridge Heath by NKDC
Members discussed the Public Notice advising the NKDC wishes to dispose of open space land in St John's Square and Meadow Way; Members, following discussion, unanimously resolved that there is insufficient open space provision within Bracebridge Heath and that a strong letter of objection should be sent to NKDC to outline the Council's position on open space provision and objections to the disposal of these areas. Unanimous.

166/06: Planning Application 06/1345 - 10 Sycamore Grove
Planning Application 06/1345 was reviewed and discussed - it was proposed and seconded that no comments or objections were required. Unanimous

Cllr Mrs K Storey declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting

167/06: Planning! Application 06/1386 - 16 Salisbury Drive
Planning Application 06/1386 was reviewed and discussed - it was proposed and seconded that objections be made to the Planning Authority, NKDC, for the following reasons; the proposals are not in keeping with the main property or the surrounding properties, the materials to be used are out of keeping with the adjacent properties, the development would be very close to the edge of the plot and the highway and the conservatory would not be screened from public view. Unanimous

Cllr Mrs Storey returned to the meeting

168/06: Report on Planning Decisions received to 30th November 2006

The Following Planning Decisions had been received: -
N12/1210/06 - Single Storey Extension, 31 Churchill Avenue
N/12/1206/06 - Two Storey Extension, front porch and rear conservatory, 1 Meadow Way

169/06: Report from the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee

Cllr Burley gave a report on the meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee held on 27th November 2006 matters discussed included the football goalpost one set had been repaired the other set however would require replacements, the Bowls Club have requested permission to erect a shelter by the bowling green, two sets of the nets on the tennis courts have been removed for the winter to prevent damage, neither the Youth Club nor Tennis Clubs were discussed and finally the floodlights for the CCTV are not Functioning as expected.

170/06: Review and consider for approval the payment of accounts to 30th November 2006
The Clerk to Council presented the accounts and confirmed all accounts were in order and within the budget. It was proposed and seconded that Council approve the payment of the accounts.
Vote - Unanimous
Resolved - That payment of the accounts to 30th November 2006 be approved by Council.


400667 Powergen Street Lighting Account to 9th November £780.31
400668 Parish Dog Warden Services November Account £227.50
400669 NKDC Pavilion Rates - December Payment £227.00
400670 Lincsgreen Grass Cutting, September 06 £156.87
400671 ABB Street Lighting Repairs x 3 £113.78
400672 Mr R A Clark Reimbursement re Rem Sunday £33.74
400673 HMCE - Inland Revenue Income Tax & NIC £579.66
400674-7 Salary, AllowancesHonarium & Handyman Exps £851.03
400678 Langleys Solicitors Advice re NKDC / Section 106 £317.25
400679 Edge Designs Ltd Internal Audit Fee £247.34
400680 Mohawk Security Ltd Security Charges - November 2006 £352.50

171/06: Items of correspondence received to 30th November 2006
The Clerk reported that the following correspondence had been received:
Environment Agency River Witham Catchments Flood Management Plan
NKDC Results of Estate Audit, Grange Road
matter not discussed
Lincolnshire FWAG Annual Review & Magazine
Breathing Places Programme Details of Phase Two Grants
NKDC Website Facility - Lincolnshire County Council
LCC Transport & Travel Briefing
NKDC Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning
NKDC Update re Stane Drive
NKDC The Clerk reported a telephone call received from Cliff Robinson at NKDC regarding the cancellation of training of the Code of Conduct. The Clerk was requested to write to NKDC to arrange an alternative date for the training session

172/06: Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting to be held on 2nd January 2007
It was requested that the date of payment of grants to Village Organisations for the financial year 2007/8 be discussed and agreed at the next meeting of Council scheduled for 2nd January 2007

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Minutes November 06

Minutes of a Meeting of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th November 2006 in Bracebridge Heath Village Hall at 7.15pm.

Present: Chairman Cllr P R Burley

Cllrs GP Young, WH Rawson MBE, Mrs S Manders, Mrs K Storey, G Fletcher & M Spencer

County Councillor Mrs C Talbot, District Councillors M Gallagher & Mrs R Hubbard and Mr J E Stanley – Clerk to the Council were in attendance. Three members of the public were present.

Public Session

Police Report – PC Annall sent his apologies, the Clerk read from a written report advising that 25 offences had been reported during the preceding month. The reported offences included criminal damage, theft, damage to motor vehicles, theft from shed / garage, damage to commercial property, assault, public order offence and possession of offensive weapon.

District Council – District Councillor Gallagher advised the Council that the queries raised by the Council at the last meeting had been passed to the relevant officers regarding Viking Court and land at Broadway. The Clerk confirmed that correspondence had been received from NKDC concerning both matters. Grants are available from NKDC to residents in support of the Decent Homes Standard Initiative; further information can be obtained from NKDC. District Councillor Gallagher also advised the meeting of a scam involving a company called Parcel Delivery Services and advised all present not to reply to any cards from this firm delivered to households using the premium rate number quoted.

District Councillor Gallagher was asked in the retrospective planning application in respect of Heath Fish Bar had been submitted and if the provision of a litter bin could be included in any permission granted. The application had not yet been received and a request could be made for such a condition; District Councillor Gallagher advised the meeting that he would also be requesting a condition to this effect.

District Councillor Mrs R Hubbard informed the meeting that she had been corresponding with a resident of Cross O’Cliff Hill regarding problems with speeding traffic; the resident had also written to the Parish Council and the matter would be discussed later on the agenda. On the 15th November 2006 the launch of the Community Sport network would take place at Waddington Village Hall. A complaint from a resident regarding damage to hedging has been referred to the Anti-Social Behaviour Team.

There being no further questions the District Councillors were thanked for their reports.

County Council – County Councillor Mrs C Talbot opened by reporting how sorry she was to hear of the death of Councillor Kwa who gave great service to the community.

County Councillor Mrs Talbot had raised all the concerns regarding highways with Alan Brown on behalf of the Council. An investigation had been set in motion by County Councillor Mrs Talbot regarding the activities of Bracebridge Heath Youth Club; the Clerk would forward a copy of the constitution to assist with the investigation. It was reported by Members that problems are being experienced on Clover Road with speeding vehicles.

Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a personal interest in the following matter as a resident of Churchill Avenue

Cllr Rawson MBE reported that the surface of the pavement in Churchill Avenue is breaking up and requires attention.

Cllr Spencer declared a personal interest in the following matter being a resident of Davy’s Lane

Cllr Spencer reported that the drop kerb on the northern side of Davy’s Lane is raised and represents a danger to users.

County Councillor Mrs Talbot would take these matters to Alan Brown for investigation. There being no further questions County Councillor Mrs Talbot was thanked for her report.

A resident commented that as an observation regarding the Youth Club that the Committee members need galvanising into taking responsibility for the Club, the role of the Area Youth Worker in the matters was also queried.

Council Session

145/06 - Apologies for Absence

Apologies for Absence were received from Cllrs Hunter, Mrs M Burton, Ward, Clements and Mrs B Young

146/06 - Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda

Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda were made by Cllr WH Rawson MBE who declared a personal interest in item 13 on the Agenda relating to Council Standing Orders.

147/06 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 3rd October 2006

Council received the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October 2006; it was proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman.

Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October 2006, be approved and signed as a true record by the Chairman

148/06 - Clerks Report on ongoing matters

The Clerk updated Council on the following matters:

149/06 - Review and discuss the marking sheets from Best Kept Village Competition 2006 and consider future actions

Copies of the marking sheet from the Best Kept Village Competition had been circulated to members at the last meeting and at the November meeting; the results were discussed at length it particular the comments regarding litter. Following discussion it was proposed and seconded that letters be sent to the Co-Op Store, Public Houses, doctors surgery and take away advising that the Council was concerned regarding problems with litter in the village and reminding the commercial properties of their responsibilities to maintain their premises. Correspondence also to be sent to NKDC advising of the comments regarding the area around the NKDC recycling facility.

Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: That letters be sent to the Co-Op Store, Public Houses, doctors surgery and take away advising that the Council was concerned regarding problems with litter in the village and reminding the commercial properties of their responsibilities to maintain their premises. Correspondence also to be sent to NKDC advising of the comments regarding the area around the NKDC recycling facility

150/06 - Residents correspondence regarding Speed Cameras for Coningsby Crescent

Correspondence had been received from a resident of Cross O’Cliff Hill regarding speeding on Cross O’Cliff Hill and a campaign to reduce speeding traffic. After discussion it was resolved that the Clerk would make enquires of the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolnshire Police to gain more information on the initiatives available to assist with speed reduction.

151/06 - Planning Applications and Decisions Received

The following Planning Applications and Decisions have been received:

Planning Applications Received to 31st October 2006

N/12/1206/06 Two Storey Side Extension, Front Porch and Rear Conservatory including replacement windows at 7 Meadow Way

N/12/1210/06 Single Storey Rear Extension at 31 Churchill Avenue

Planning Decisions Received to 31st October 2006

N/12/0903/06 Display Illuminated Signage at John Bull Inn, London Road

N/12/0859/06 Erection of Three Dwellings and Garage Block to Serve Previously Approved Chapel Conversion at Park Lane

N/12/1042/06 Erection of Two Storey Side / Rear Extension and Erection of Detached Double Garage at 30 Norfolk Crescent

152/06 - Report from the Recreation Ground Committee

No Report was presented from the Recreation Ground Committee

153/06 - Payment of accounts to 31st October 2006

The following accounts to 31st October 2006 were presented for payment






Bracebridge Heath Village Hall

Room Hire - September/ October




Pavilion Rates - November



Church Commissioners

Rent Charges - Allotments



Parish Dog Warden Services

October Account



Mohawk Security Ltd

Security Charges - September & October



British Gas

Pavilion Charges 27/7 - 30/10




Street Light Repairs Grange Rd, Main Ave



The Poppy Appeal

Purchase of Wreath




Pavilion Account to 31/10/06



Salary, Allowances

Handyman Expenses


It was proposed and seconded that the accounts to 31st October 2006 be approved and paid.

Vote: Unanimous Resolved: The accounts to 31st October 2006 be approved and paid.

154/06 - Items of correspondence for consideration


Confirmation Council may Co-Opt to fill current vacancy


Information concerning 2007 Elections


Draft Taxi Licensing Policy - Consultation Document


Invitation to Launch of Community Sport Network - 15/11/06

Lincolnshire County Council

Lincoln Southern Bypass Public Consultation 2 Document


Parish Magazine Information

North Hykeham Town Council

Copy of a letter sent to Mr I Fytche re Section 106 Agreements


Decent Homes Standard Information


Further correspondence re verge to the rear of 7 Broadway

Lincs Playing Fields Assoc

Notice of AGM - 23rd November 2006

E Mids Regional Assembly

Draft Regional Plan Consultation Events - 9/11/06 Lincoln


Autumn 2006 - Linkline

Lincoln City Council

Lincoln LDF - Consultation on Climate Change, Energy and

Design and District Mixed Use Centres

Lincoln City Council

LDF Lincoln - Statement of Community Involvement


Information on Regional Plan for East Midlands

155/06 - Items for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting to be held on 5th December 2006

It was requested that the availability of places at St John’s Primary School and the provision and usage of bus shelters on Grantham Road be placed on the agenda for the meeting of 5th December 2006

156/06 – Exempt Information

It was proposed and seconded that under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 157/06 & 158/06 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Vote: Unanimous

Resolved: That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of minute no 157/06 & 158/06 on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

Cllr WH Rawson MBE declared a personal interest in the following item (minute no 157/06)

157/06 - Council Standing Orders

In response to the Council’s request for clarification to the legality of standing order, in order to protect all members, the Clerk read from a reply received from Richard Enderby, County Secretary of Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils, the contents and response were noted.

158/06 - To review correspondence regarding Section 106 Agreement relating to Viking Court

Copies of a piece of correspondence from Shirley Barlow, NKDC Open Spaces Officer, relating to Section 106 monies were circulated to members and discussed. Members identified several schemes which could potentially benefit from the available monies including floodlighting of the tennis court area and a basketball/football goal module for the Recreation Ground. The Clerk would make enquires and obtain quotation for these schemes.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm


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